Day 2

Thursday, May 12, 2011
Mauston, Wisconsin, United States
What a night. Susan said we were cranky!!!!! the night before.
We are in Wisconsin this morning on I90/94, on our way to Minneapolis Airport .   We gas up at Shell for $3.99. It is foggy/gray. The trees are are showing very little green here. There is very little traffic, but we are in the middle of nowhere, except that they have Amtrak!. There are cranberry bogs all around. I wish we had counted the number of deer, dead on the road! The land if more forest along this stretch. There are no brick houses and lots of mobile homes.
Thank goodness for cruise control to make the miles easier on the driver, ED.
We arrive in MSP, the airport to find where we are to meet the bus. Did I mention I hate airport. After circling twice I ask a very unfriendly TSA agent. We had to go to the car rental and make our way to the Transit Center. OK, we leave the airport and circle the area trying to find a road with restaurants. None was easily seen so we put Mall of America in the garmin, where all the restaurants are inside the mall. SO we put in a grocery so we would have something for breakfast after we got to the RV. This took us around and back on the expressway. On the way to the grocery we pasted the Culver's Restaurant .   We had seen them all week, but did want another hamburger, BUT we read the sign that said butterburger, sweet potato fries, and frozen custard. I was suddenly hungry for all the above. Around and around we go to get here. The buttered burger in on a buttered bun, the frozen custard of the day was Key Lime pie flavored....YUM!!!!!
Back to the airport. We had picked up the rental in Nashville 47 minutes early, so we had to get it back 47 minutes early or be charged about $100 more!   We arrived with 5 hours to wait until our bus. We asked where to find the Transit area. We were on 3 levels through many doors and elevators, having asked several employees, before we found the right place. There was one other group there when we arrived. We watched through the afternoon while the place filled. What a varied group. Many well travel people. The buses arrived at the very minute and the STAMPEDE began. We loaded, but SOME people got on the wrong bus and had to move to our bus. They all had gray hair! We rode to Forest City, Iowa to the Winnebago factory. Arrive at dark and having to retrieve our luggage, line up for our key and find our RV. Dragging 3 heavy bags over a grass field was challenging. It was about 50 degrees at 8:50 at night. We unload, tried all the systems to see that they worked for morning. There is plenty of space in the living area, but not much for clothes. Lights out at 11. With no tv, radio, cable, internet, etc. THEN the storm hit. Rain, thunder, wind!!!   It was like sleeping with the tin roof again.
This was written on the 13th, because we had no internet last night.
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So funny! My high school choir stopped in Mauston (nearly twenty years ago) on our way to Chicago from Minneapolis. We visited the local school choir for a sing-along and laughed afterward about visiting "Moo-ston".


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