Think the movie RV!

Friday, May 13, 2011
Forest City, Iowa, United States
Had to stop typing last night with some computer issues. It is 5/14, but I am entering 5/13.
Woke very early to snacks in the RV, because there is no place to eat here, EXCEPT that they said they had coffee and donuts . WELL, they had tons of pastry and all sorts of drinks. We did our orientation, check out and off we head into the WIND at 11 am. It is 48 degrees. We head for state route 9 across the state of Iowa. Certainly this is the road less traveled. Miles of fields of brown black dirt, some turned and planted, some not. There are some ethanol signs. Did I mention the WIND! There is a reason the horizon is filled with wind turbines, WIND. Ed had to fight the wheel CONSTANTLY. He said he had to keep the wheel at about a half turn to stay straight in the road. As we would pass any kind of wind break, a house or trees or hill, the RV would require a sharp correction when we hit the wind again. It looks like chicken houses along this route, but we are seeing lots more cows. We gas up in Rock Rapids, Iowa with super unleaded because the state subsidizes this grade, it is the cheaper grade. The pumps click off at $125. WOW what fun we are having.
We cross into Wisconsin and the scenery is much more rolling hills and COWS and it is sheep shearing time!   The sheep line up to get into the barn and out the other side . Wind directions is different so not so difficult. We are on US Rt 75, another road less travel because the patches have patches, very wash board. NO ONE who has motion sickness could do this route/trip.
We head to Pipestone, a pinkish rock the Indians used for pipes and other things. We head to Lange's cafe for a slice of their famous Sour Cream Raisin Pie ONLY to watch the LAST PIECE go to a local yokel. Had a meal and moved on to Ortonville, Wi. and the Lakeview RV Park. Very few people in this large, somewhat run down park. I am determined to get the cable TV up so Susan can watch the final 2 hours of the series finale of Smallville. We started at 6:45, at 8 we finally the thing going and that show was NOT on the cable system here. I do hope the DVR is working at home!!!!!   Handy man said it might snow tonight. I am dressed in a sweatsuit for bed! We turned the furnace up. Susan decides to try the bunk over the driver for tonight. Ed the contortionist made the area....which is huge, but mighty nippy up there! I put three blanket on her. Thank goodness she is warmer blooded than I. We spend a quiet night until the BIRDS sang out at first light! So I am writing at 6 am!! But good news no snow. It is drizzling. I have to
get out from under the blankets and get things going. Ed had become the coffee maker so I do have that here. Susan is now awake and asking for the coffee and a woodpecker is working on taking down a tree. Off to Minot, ND, I hope. And the excitement for the day will be the SUPER
WALMART for supplies before we meet the Canadian Border Patrol. We have heard some stories????? Hopefully we have internet tonight.
I am not editing much as I write so try to figure out what I meant to say!
I had to try three times to get the photos, so I didn't write much on them!
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John and Pat

Sounds like you are having more fun than the law allows, but we still wish we were traveling with you. Talked to another L/P friend this morning and they are getting ready to hit the road in their motorhome and won't be back until September or October! I am getting ready to roll mentally at least!


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