Wind, Black dirt, and floods.

Saturday, May 14, 2011
Ortonville, Minnesota, United States
As I prepared the story for the 14th I started with photos. When I hit upload I lost the signal! No photos or truly creative writing was left. Therefore I will try again this morning. The birds and TRAINS are very active early in the PRAIRIE.
Photos tell the story today .   Fatigue has overtaken me.
We had a huge scare today as we leave we loose power on the inside [not the engine]. There was a switch that was off to the coach batteries. Once it was on it was all systems go. About 40 degrees.
We traveled another morning on US 75 N in MN.   The road less traveled. The condition of said road changed at the county lines. Gassed up in Breckenridge, Mn at $3.94. Wind down now.
We drive on the Fargo, ND and I29. The speed limit is 75! Like we could do that!
We took Rt 2 west with the wind mostly at our backs now. We lunched on spam and cheese sandwiches. We see lots of mallard ducks in pairs. There is lots of water along, but not on this road. Sides roads are sometimes covered. We found the geographic center of North America in Rugby. Arrived in Minot at 4:30. We tried to get gas at the Loaf N Jug, an affiliate of Kroger, to use our fuel points, BUT there are rednecks everywhere. Two young men have pulled in to the pumps, the driver walks away. The passenger dips snuff and we wait in a spot where backing up is real problem . WE WAIT 10 minutes and finally leave. On to the busiest Wally World I have seen! Some shelves are empty. Milk is $4.50 a gallon. We will drink water. Found the second Loaf and Jug. Fill up at $3.84 for $165.55. On to Roughrider RV to flooding. Back to Country Pride restaurant for ribs. Back to do showers, hand laundry, dryer, and all that jazz.   Frost is predicted for tonight in Minot. Failure at the blog, soooo tired, off to bed with 3 blankets. Susan is bunking up again.
Written on Sunday morning, hoping it will go.
We cross in Canada this morning in about an hour from here. We have no idea when we will have internet again. We are going back to the Country Pride for our daily meal out.
Til next time.   No time to edit, forgive the mistakes, we have miles to go before we sleep.
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Pat, John, Frank, and Marianne

We are having a fun evening together and John has a map out traveling along with you! I will have to tell you that we HAVE done a lot of laughing! Pool party was delayed because of cool and rainy weather...high was 59 degrees here with wind!


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