Edmonton to Dawson Creek

Friday, May 20, 2011
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Day 8     May 20   Friday    Edmonton to Dawson Creek, BC

We overnighted at Glowing Embers RV Park in Edmonton, AB . The parks are beginning to run together in our minds. Susan is so confused about what day it is and date it is. We decided to leave up the note for the beginning of each day so we will all know the correct day and date.
We have decided that it must be a requirement for an RV park to be developed near a railroad track. It is sunny and supposed to be 75 today. The locals are in t-shirts and flip flops even in the cool mornings and nights. We saw a u-pick raspberry farm. There are buffalo, llamas being raised, and lots of horses.   We are taking Hwy 43N, the Alaska Hwy moving west and north.In Sangudo there is a sundial made of native stones with the center building like a grain elevator. The time was correct, by the way.    We were attacked by mosquitoes. Then we stopped at Rochfort Bridge for the worlds second longest wooden RR trestle, 2414 feet. It was built in early 1900's and something of a work of art to my eyes.
A wolf crossed the road in front of us and we all saw it.
We stopped in Grand Prairie to get a lamp because we still have no lights in the bath and bedroom . I think this is becoming a Walmart to Walmart kind of trip. Of course Susan is obsessing about a DVD. We finally found it at the Best Buy in Grand Prairie. I wonder how long it will be before she can think up another she ABSOLUTELY MUST HAVE RIGHT NOW.
In Beaverlodge we stopped to make a photo of the 15 foot high beaver. Will the thrills never end! Of course, it was raining at the time.
There are moose signs all along the highway and we have not seen hide nor hair of one. I think it is a trick for the tourists. We finally say two wild elk in someone's front yard. We later saw several farms of buffalo and elk. We have driven a long day and were afraid we wouldn't get a site, but had no problem getting on at Mile 0 RV Park in Dawson City, British Columbia. There are 4 others here from the group. We went back into town to Mr Mike Steak House for a good meal.
Dawson Creek doesn't observe daylight savings time, but may be on Pacific time. The explanation was 2 paragraphs long and I still couldn't figure out the correct time. I put on the cell phone and set the clocks back one hour. ???
Internet was down here, but for the short time it is up, so I hope I can publish this.
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Pat and John

You are now official campers since you have discovered that RV parks are ALWAYS built next to RR Tracks. Here is another truth of RV life...they are also usually close to airports and Wal Marts are the campers answer to EVERYTHING!


I just now figured out how to go to this site so now I can go back and read all of your messages. We are all fine here but having crazy weather. One day it's spring and the next day, it gets cold, again! Going to Beth's today and finally deliver all of Mother's things that she wanted! Mother is back at Atherton (the assisted-living facility) and doing really well. She is progressing physically and beginning to really enjoy living there.

Jim & Susan

Just got your bolg address from Pat. Sounds like you are having a great time
We know about all the wind from North Dakota. Weather here today is 88.
Hugs to the girls

Cathy and kids

Hey Alicia showed me how to find this again. I thought you just hadn't been able to get it uploaded since the very first one. Betty have you ever thought of being a journalist! I was laughing out loud so hard the kids kept saying "read it out loud - what does it say!". I would love for you guys to be our tour guides when we book a trip like this (lol)! Now that I know what to do I can also follow along. It sounds like you are all having a great time. Stay safe. Did you get your lamp yet?


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