NOW we are on the Alaska Highway

Saturday, May 21, 2011
Dawson Creek, British Columbia, Canada
May 21      Saturday     Dawson Creek   to Tetsa River Services and Campground on Hwy 97

The Dawson Creek Mile 0 Campground was not beside the RR, but the highway was very near . It wasn't too much of a problem because it rained and drops hitting the metal roof drown out the truck sounds. We went back to town to get pictures of Mile 0, both of them. One original, one moved to the highway. We also went to the farmers market. There was a wind farm up on the hill here. The first we have seen lately. We drove down to the Kiskatinaw River Bridge. This is the last curved wooden bridge remaining from building the Alaskan Highway. Another RV pulled up from our group and we talked for 30 minutes! We later ran into this same couple getting gas.
This road is a lot of extreme grades, 6 to 9 %. There were promises of seeing wildlife. I think it is just a plan to attract tourists. We did manage to see horses, wild I suppose along side the road. We finally saw 3 deer and just before we pulled into the park I say 1 moose just as we passed by. This is almost the only way to Alaska from this part of the country and there is no traffic. It was a long day.   There is a lot of gas exploration and drilling, with camps . equipment, and all that goes with that up here. Not many people live out of the towns.
Have you heard of COPS? Well, a lot of towns have them. They are "citizens on patrol" society. Think Barney Fife. It is a little scary to think you MIGHT meet up with a local who isn't friendly.
EDUCATION: There are no restrooms here, there are washrooms
                         When the answer to a question is yes, you get   'you bet'cha'
               All the trees we thought were birch are aspens
There is quite a bit of litter on the roads but there are so many miles with no people to clean.
It was raining and we were not on schedule, so I looked in the books to find a place to stop for the night. I picked the Tetsa River site. We pulled in and WHY WE DID NOT PULL OUT IS BEYOND ME. One thing is they advertise these world famous cinnamon rolls and home cooking. Since we had only snacked today and wanted the rolls we asked for a space. It is really muddy here. When we paid we were told the generator is shut off at 11, so no electricity . They also made bread. Well I asked for three rolls and got a loaf of raisin bread. That was $20 . The sign said soup and sandwich but I couldn't see where it was coming from so we ate peanut butter on the raisin bread for dinner. The cinnamon roll [1] was good. We still have 2 for tomorrow.    NOW, I want you to think, Motel lower your expectations. The man said pull around to the wood rail and there is the hookups. It is like tying up your horse on an old western. Well, we will retire early and head out.
This is an interesting experience, if nothing else.
Total miles today is 351. Oh Gomer says hey! [This was added by Ed the driver]
PS We couldn't get a signal even inside the room with their email modem. So we made a draft and copy it in whenever we can. I have forgotten what I wrote by that time.
ANYWAY, we had such storms in the night. The generator for power was turned off, but had no problem with that. When it would stop raining the trees would drip on the roof and sound like rocks hitting the top. It was not really so bad, we stayed in our RV. The next RV that came had to have an extension cord to hook up.
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