We left in a rain at 6:30, hoping to see animals out early. This camp was established during the building of the highway. As we drive, spring has just begun. The trees are only budding. We find that the arrival of spring changes as we drive. One area will be bare or budding and the next few miles will be green with new leaves. This has been the rule as we drive along.
The first lake we see, Summit Lake is frozen
. The terrain is much rockier. The sheep that are supposed to be in the road are NOT to be found. This morning the area looks like the Smoky Mtns with the clouds hanging low. We stopped in the metropolis of Toad River for gas @ $1.59 a liter.
We saw two rainbows as we move on. After MANY, MANY miles of signs warning of animals IN the road we FINE-LEE [that is finally to those who do not speak Southern] see 2 caribou.
We arrive at Muncho Lake which is absolutely beautiful. It is mostly frozen and a brilliant emerald green from copper silt. I will get a photo up when we can. This lake is 7 miles long, just breathtaking.
Many miles we see one male stone sheep and several Wood Bison. This breed has been restocked in this area. Ed's most important stop of the day is Liard Hop Springs. He can not wait to get into the HOT water. Susan and I wear out coats and gloves up the wooden sidwalk too. At the spring there are several people, some with children in and around the pool. The water comes out at 120 degrees
. Ed had to change in an open room and I held his bag. The air temperature must have been 40. All these wet people walking around and standing up in the cold air. Ed said it was wonderful. I will just take his word for it! We had buffalo burgers across the street at the lodge. They were huge! and tasty. We see a black bear as we drive on. We are so excited! We are now outside the Rocky Mountains. The next range of mountains are the McKenzie Range that extend up to the north. NOW we see a Grizzly bear. We can hardly stand it. We have driven so many miles LOOKING for wildlife.
We have seen many bison. Evidently they are like the Canadian geese we have around our lake at home. They poop large quantities. We would drive for long stretches seeing meadow muffins and then come across 2 or 3 bison. How could that few leave so much poop!
We arrive in the Yukon Territory and go into Watson Lake. This is where the sign forrest is located. There are poles erected that have signs brought there from the 1940's
. We installed our sign near the entrace were another sign had faded totally away. We couldn't find the Smallman's sign and after a while they all started to run together. I think the number is around 60,000. That is ALL there is in this town. We fueled up but they were out of regular so Ed used mid grade!
The roads are rougher in the Yukon. We saw 1 elk running across the road. We drive on the Contenintal Divide Lodge and Campground. Doesn't it sound like a unique place to stay, the Contenintal Divide [it is just a few miles ahead]. Fire wood came with the site so Ed started a fire with everything he could find in the RV that would burn to get the wood to catch. Susan had MADE us buy the huge campfire size marshmallow at the beginning SO now we could roast some. She ate three of the huge things. Have you bought these marshamallows? They come in a nearly 2 pound bag....that is a lot of marshamllows! We hoped to have the rhubarb pie here, but the cook doesn't start work for the season until next Tuesday! This is a nice place so far. It is so cold here. Ed SAYS it is 48 but the wind makes it feel colder. We now smell like the smoke from the fire, but since we are camping that to is a new expericene.
The email here will let me publish the text, but is too slow for photos.
We have now driven over 3000 miles in the RV!
Stay tuned.
North to Alaska
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Tetsa River Park, British Columbia, Canada
Other Entries
1Day 1 Off to see the wizard, make that SUPERMAN
May 1111 days priorMount Juliet, United Statesphoto_camera2videocam 0comment 3 -
2Day 2
May 1210 days priorMauston, United Statesphoto_camera2videocam 0comment 1 -
3Think the movie RV!
May 139 days priorForest City, United Statesphoto_camera3videocam 0comment 1 -
4Wind, Black dirt, and floods.
May 148 days priorOrtonville, United Statesphoto_camera5videocam 0comment 1 -
5North to Canada
May 157 days priorMinot, United Statesphoto_camera5videocam 0comment 2 -
6Heading to the ROCKIES
May 166 days priorMaple Creek, Canadaphoto_camera4videocam 0comment 3 -
7Canadian Rockies
May 175 days priorCanmore, Canadaphoto_camera1videocam 0comment 1 -
May 184 days priorLake Louise, Canadaphoto_camera3videocam 0comment 1 -
9On to Edmonton
May 193 days priorJasper, Canadaphoto_camera1videocam 0comment 2 -
10Edmonton to Dawson Creek
May 202 days priorEdmonton, Canadaphoto_camera3videocam 0comment 4 -
11NOW we are on the Alaska Highway
May 211 day priorDawson Creek, Canadaphoto_camera3videocam 0comment 0 -
12North to Alaska
May 22Tetsa River Park, Canadaphoto_camera5videocam 0comment 7 -
13Walmart, a squirrel, a moose, OH MY
May 231 day laterTeslin, Canadaphoto_camera4videocam 0comment 1 -
14Now I get it!
May 242 days laterDestruction Bay, Canadaphoto_camera6videocam 0comment 5 -
15My eyes are sore from watching for wildlife
May 253 days laterTok, United Statesphoto_camera3videocam 0comment 1 -
16Back to civilization?
May 264 days laterPalmer, United Statesphoto_camera2videocam 0comment 3 -
17Final day of RV
May 275 days laterAnchorage, United Statesphoto_camera2videocam 0comment 1 -
18Observations, truths, half truths, ideas.
May 275 days laterAnchorage, United Statesphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 2 -
19Flights home to Nashville then to Mt Juliet
May 286 days laterAnchorage , United Statesphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 2

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Pat and John
The sound you hear is really NOT us hysterically laughing...maybe! Sorry you didn't find our sign at the sign forest...guess we will just have to make the trip again! THAT sound you DIDN'T hear was John suddenly STOPPING laughing! Continue being safe and keeping us updated.
Pat and John
PS...John says that he doesn't think that Gomer has you completely sold on this camping thing! One more Alaska tour ought to do it!
hi everyone! sounds like you are having a great time. i haven't read all of your postings yet, been working a lot. ginny is here, in maine. she looks pretty good. we are going to try to take ma out for lunch thursday. will let you know how it goes!!!!! keep having fun and will write tomorrow. be careful! luv linda
Frank and Marianne
Hey folks..........talking about hitting the road.......since you left I have driven to Kroger, Publics (two different trips), Steak n' Shake, and the Clubhouse. I'm nearly exhausted. Ed-----you are going to have to bolt that grille down or start staying home. The blasted thing was In Nancy's yard again. Darel delivered it to your porch. Annie and the rest of the Loudon's miss you guys-------you betcha! Cheers!
That lake is beautiful. I spotted Lake Providence right away and knew it was yours. Then I saw there were captions for the pictures and had to go back to all the pictures on your trip and see if I guessed right!!!!! Yup