Walmart, a squirrel, a moose, OH MY

Monday, May 23, 2011
Teslin, Yukon, Canada
Day 11    May 23 Monday
Continental Divide RV Park to Destruction Bay, Yukon

Our campground is powered by a generator! We don't know how they make any money .
This was a nice place. It a gray day and 41 degrees. We brought a thermometer to check because this Ford doesn't have any of the little conveniences we are needing. We do have the garmin for most of those. Ed just figured out that the garmin will do conversions.
As we leave we plan to take photos at the continental divide. There were no makers on the road and I saw them as we passed! NO GOING BACK on this trip. Of well they were really tiny and forgettable anyway.
You had better have food with you if you travel this road, especially for breakfast. Many places are closed, at least for the season. Bathrooms along here are few and far between. When you find one it is an outhouse.
As we drive the Alaska Hwy on this Victoria Day there are almost NO cars or trucks. or people or farms. Just lots of mountains, lakes, hills, trees, vast about of space and a long, long road. We spend so much time and energy scanning the roadsides for animals or scenes of interest. Ed saw a wolf two times.
We come to Swan Lake, frozen for the most part . Farther along we cross the Nisutlin Bay Bridge over Teslin Lake, the longest water span on the AK hwy. It was frozen with ice floating in some parts. The book says the average last frost is JUNE 19. This is a beautiful scene with fog/cloud hovering just over the frozen lake for miles.
We stopped at the Wolf's Den Restaurant for lunch. Near very little it is a wonderful Bavarian restaurant. Of course they have made it for the masses, but quite a surprise.
On to Whitehorse, a good sized town, but empty today because of the holiday. We did see probably the largest fish ladder in the world. It allows the salmon to bypass the power plant water and be saved to pass up the Yukon River.
Stopped Walmart to walk around. Gas was $1.389 p/liter.
We saw an ARCTIC GROUND SQUIRREL at an overlook. Now we are in a sandy soil, dry area with small trees due to the short growing season. Forest fires leave a mark for MANY years here.
THEN WE SAW TWO MOOSE. None of the signs had said they were there, but I told you I think the signs are for the three tourists who come up this far . We are now seeing the Kluane Mountain range and icefields. So beautiful, but too cloudy and gray to take many photos.
We drive along with a frozen lake on one side and rock mountains on the other. We had planned to stop at other RV parks, BUT they are closed for the season. We went on to Talbot Arm Motel and RV part and gas station and restaurant for the night. All we have is cord on a post, but behind us is a mountain with some snow and across the highway is a frozen lake!!!!!   Of course, it is raining again so that we can't walk over to the lake!
I checked the breakfast prices. One pancake is $5. I bet it is BIG!
There are no services here so the diary is written and saved until we can get it out.
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