After not so much sleep since the heat malfunction and nearly made toast of us, we snacked for breakfast, against Susan's wishes. We headed to the main attraction for our entire trip. Since reading Diary of Anne Frank in high school Susan has obsessed about seeing the attic. Today her dream came true. The lines were long but we had made a reservation ahead so went to the SIDE DOOR and RANG the BELL! The door opened and we were allowed in with no waiting. Susan
loved every moment and room
. She embraced the photos, stood in awe of being in the same space as the Franks, gazed to her hearts content. The rooms were crowed but we took all the time she wanted. There is no furniture in the rooms but a model and photos show how they were. There were screens with tapes of some of the persons telling the story. There were pages of her actual diary to view. BUT there is no photography allowed so she could not document any of this experience!!! She could hardly wait for the gift shop. But there was NOTHING for her to buy? No t-shirts are made, only a few books in English and DVDs that are not for USA. She did get two postcards with pictures of the family. We went outside to get a photo of the outside, but there was little to photograph. We could not find the statue!!! We went in the church next door that was spared bombing in the war. We headed around the corner in an open area and there was the statue she knew was there, but did not have a location for!! HAPPY!!! After a dozen photos or so we moved to lunch.
This would be on my list of things to try here! We found Pancakes! Amsterdam. We had a wait since it is so small. Land is precious here so everything is built up. The restaurant have three levels plus a little outdoor seating. The girls had to go down for the food and deliver on three levels! Anyway see the photos for details.
By the way we had difficulty getting the blog to you yesterday. It had not gone when I got up this morning so we tried again
. It resulted in some duplicates it seems. Also today being Monday we watched with great amusement at the kids getting to school and folks to work. The streets are thick with chained bikes. There is no choice but to step into the paths to get down the streets. Of course when you step out a target appears on you and you will be diving back to the pedestrian area. Of course that is only a suggestion since bikes, scooters and even cars will drive right up there with you if the need to pass arises. Many a mom or dad biked their kids to school. The bikes are very interesting. They have seats built in the front and back of the bikes. Many people ride side saddle on the backs too. This does not even mention the bikes with the built in box containers for little children and babies. Jaw dropping to little ole me. Three kids on the bike with mom is not unusual.
Back to touring, after lunch, we walk to Beginhof. This is an inner courtyard with private residences but much historical interest. It dates back to when Catholics were in hiding. One of two wooded surviving houses are there. An English church is also in the yard to see. See photos for some of the views. Next we head to the Gasson Diamond Factory and sales pitch. We had a map but it was of little value to these explorers. We have spent three days standing around with maps and not one person has tried to help us. As a matter of fact we have been asked to help a few people! After a long walk see the factory and get a free coffee before our tour
. It was quite a joke, but HEY, Diamonds are part of what is Famous in Amsterdam.
We stopped at the flower market and found a t shirt for Susan since she could not get one at Anne Franks. We also made a reservation for a countryside tour tomorrow. OK now we are a long way from home. We are still using a map the has"foreign" names, all these side street that are not on the map, crowds of people and bicycles, cars, trams and pedestrians to avoid! Not as easy as that sounds! We ended up walking through the red light district area, not right in the center of it. BUT, we passed a gelato store so we had to be refreshed! Caramel and delicious vanilla cookie gelato all around. Ok we try to find the royal palace, but we are so tired! Susan had walked her legs off. We headed toward our canal and find a restaurant on the way to try another ' to eat' on my list. We stop and have our dinner. We collapse at the boat which is an oven from being closed up and in the sun. Susan hit the shower...a challenge in itself. I start a load of laundry in the washer dryer combo. In a day or two I should have it finished! Great concept for space but so small and time consuming! The folks here do not own cars, but every one seems to have a boat and use in on warm days. There were a lot so folks getting calm today as we passed the 'coffee' houses. Just sitting there with a joint. It is illegal on the streets but that does not seem to stop some.
Hopefully we will be able to get this installment to you in less than 12 hours.
Tomorrow promises to be another good day.
Stay tuned if you dare.
Susan crosses Amsterdam off bucket list
Monday, May 19, 2014
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
Other Entries
1Red eye flights are no fun BUT.........
May 163 days priorMount Juliet, United Statesphoto_camera4videocam 0comment 4 -
2If heaven has a fragrance.......
May 181 day priorAmsterdam, Netherlandsphoto_camera17videocam 2comment 2 -
3Susan crosses Amsterdam off bucket list
May 19Amsterdam, Netherlandsphoto_camera10videocam 0comment 5 -
4"Nothing is better than this" said Susan
May 201 day laterAmsterdam, Netherlandsphoto_camera10videocam 0comment 4 -
5On board
May 212 days laterAmsterdam, Netherlandsphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 1 -
May 223 days laterAmsterdam, Netherlandsphoto_camera2videocam 0comment 0 -
7Walking through history
May 234 days laterRostock, Germanyphoto_camera20videocam 0comment 1 -
8Another sea day before the marathon!
May 245 days laterCruisung from Germany to Stockholm, Swedenphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 1 -
9Archipelago sailing
May 256 days laterStockholm, Swedenphoto_camera16videocam 0comment 2 -
May 267 days laterHelsinki, Finlandphoto_camera11videocam 0comment 1 -
11Russia at last
May 278 days laterSt. Petersburg, Russian Federationphoto_camera22videocam 0comment 1 -
12More of SPB
May 289 days laterSt. Petersburg, Russian Federationphoto_camera18videocam 0comment 1 -
13Oldest capital in Europe
May 2910 days laterTallinn, Estoniaphoto_camera13videocam 0comment 2 -
14Finally a rest day.
May 3011 days laterCopenhagen, cruising to this port, Denmarkphoto_camera1videocam 0comment 3 -
15The wallet is now empty!
May 3112 days laterCopenhagen, Denmarkphoto_camera17videocam 0comment 1 -
16These shoes were made for walking
Jun 0113 days laterAmsterdam, Netherlandsphoto_camera2videocam 0comment 4 -
Jun 0214 days laterMount Juliet, United Statesphoto_camera4videocam 0comment 2

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2014-05-19 make it IMPOSIBLE to NOT want to be there with you...what a lovely day you all had and your pictures are wonderful. The weather looks to be perfect for you and we are both so grateful for that blessing. I need to talk to Miss Susan and get some ideas to add to MY bucket list. Hers are all fantastic! Continue having fun, and be safe. Keep those cards and letters (blog) coming to those of us back home waiting to hear from you.
Dave & Pat
Hi travelers, Sounds like you're having a grand time! Congrats to Susan for finally getting to visit Anne Frank's house. That's really cool !! Keep on peddling that bike Ed, sounds like you're logging some miles :-)
Betty, those caramel pan cakes sound outstanding!!
Keep up the story, we love traveling vicariously with you guys :-)
Have fun and be safe.......
Sounds WONDERUL!!! Wish I was seeing it with you. Susan, you have an amazing bucket list:)
Pete & Stephanie
Susan can now cross a big one off her bucket list. How wonderful.
Gene Marsolais
Sounds like you are having a great time. The pictures came out great... So when you ask for a pot of coffee, you get the POT and not the coffee. Tell Susan see looks great in the pictures. Have fun and take care.... Uncle Gene and Auntie Linda.