
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
ThursdayA day on the ship is nice. We do walk a lot even here because the food is at one end and the entertainment at the other . We are near the rear on deck 7. It is not like going to the kitchen to eat. Susan and I got into the thalassotherapy pool. A huge warm bubbling tub. Not hot like a hot tub, but bath warm. Many folks do their water exercise there. It is now down for repairs!Ed and I attended tour talks. We visited the shops. They have lots of Russian objects for sale. They are much more expensive than I would have guessed. The painted lacquer boxes are just gorgeous, but a small one was like $ 260. They have lots of Amber too. The salesperson showed us a picture done in Amber that was $12500. It was put together like a mosaic. Beautiful! We are supposed to see an entire room covered in Amber. It comes in 5 colors and shades there of. It still washes up on shore in the Baltic. IF we get to a shore I WILL be looking down. I probably would not even recognize it if I saw the raw stuff. Tonight at dinner the beef filet was therecommendation. It was the best we have had in a while. The apple crumble dessert was awesome as well. Much bigger than the usual desserts! So I am stuffed, again! The couple at our table from Texas via New Orleans are quite well traveled. He works for a chemical company that has an office in Germany. The man from California is retired navy commander who works for the navy as a civilian now. His wife works for a television station in San Diego. We did the iHollywood show. Susan loves singing and dancing shows. The shows are fleet wide and stay in production for years, but this one was new to us. The captain this cruise is quite funny.At 10 pm it is still light out! We have crossed from the North Sea into the Baltic Sea. Very smooth so far. There are lots of Europeans on board as you would expect. That is somewhat different for us. 
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