Finally a rest day.

Friday, May 30, 2014
Copenhagen, cruising to this port, Zealand, Denmark
May 30, Friday sea day   Finally a day of rest.We do not have to get up early, but who can sleep.We had breakfast in the dining room and went to see the captains presentation on building solstice class ships. He is so funny we try not to miss anything he is saying. we have not had a comedian on this cruise. I suppose we do not need one with this captain. We went to another future cruise talk where Ed won a cruise DVD and I won a bracelet. There was a Russian bazaar in the shops that had folks shopping like there was no tomorrow! We could not even walk through! It was crowd hysteria to shop! Ed and I went to another captain and cruise activity director cook off. We left and had high tea. This was the only one this cruise. The treats were wonderful. This was another formal night. We did not bring dressy clothes but we went anyway. We got lobster tonight. It was just ok. Susan did get the baked Alaska she had been asking for all week. The production show was Celebrate the World. Susan enjoyed that! We set the clocks back one hour. When we go to bed at 11 is is dusk. There are lots of wind turbines along the coast of Sweden and Denmark. I stayed up late writing for this blog. Our cloud account is FULL! We have deleted everything we can but we can not down load photos!!!!! How does one fill up a cloud? We used some of our free minutes to send our previous posts and delete some of the hundreds of emails, but we are using the minutes conservatively. I write the text in my notes and copy and paste when we sign in to the Internet. 
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Betty, you do an absolutely fantastic job with your blogs. They are so interesting (and funny!!!) and full of exciting information. It is wonderful to see the world through your eyes. Thanks a bunch.

jean Langford

Thank you for my BEAUTIFUL trip, enjoyed every minute of it.


Sounds amazing!!! Can't wait to see the pix!!!


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