WELL, here we go again. As in the past, if you do not want to receive the notices, I think you can opt out. Or worse come to worse, delete. Off to Alaska we go. We are picking up an RV at the Winnebago factory in Forrest City, Iowa and dropping it in Anchorage, Alaska. To accomplish this we are driving a rental car from home to Minneapolis. One of us loves to drive. Two of us like to go along for the ride. In Minneapolis we meet a bus at the airport that takes us to Forrest City to the campground where there will be a fleet of RVs ready to make the trip. This bus ride is about two and a half hours. We spend the night in the RV and attend the orientation in the morning. As I recall, Ed nearly froze me to death the first time we did this because he did not turn on the heat! After our morning meeting we head cross country. The route will be shown as we travel. This time of year is not the most beauty since the fields are freshly turned or planted and we see lots of dirt. While this trip has been in the works for a long time, in the short term, it has been challenging. In the past year the three of us have had so many health issues that I expect a thank you card from the pharmaceutical industry and hate mail from Blue Cross. I think our short term bucket list is to finish this trip with no incidents! After all WE NEED A VACATION!!!!
I wrote the above paragraph for 'about this blog' a few days ago to be ready to send. Apparently this must be for me only since it went to the cloud or a dark hole. I finally retrieved it only to find I could not find a way to publish the thing. I just copied for this space, but now I can not seem to get a pin in Wisconsin. You just might have to take my word for where we are sleeping tonight. This has been MUCH too long a day for a heart patient and a gut patient. When Ed made reservations he did not know that we would be either of those things. We left out at 8 to nice weather. We hit lots of one lane construction and made more stops than usual. Eating out is challenging for low salt and semi liquid diets. (At dinner we found that Cracker Barrel has a separate menu for several health issues. Ed could choose from several options. Just ask if you have issues.) We encountered rain through out the afternoon. I do love riding through the heart land of crops. So many hours of driving through corn fields makes me wonder how there can be hunger, but the ethanol tanks tell some of the story. We saw many idle wind farms. Plowed fields were showing there new plants emerging. Just beautiful in many ways. We had too far to go today since neither of us are in top shape, but Ed did a terrific job, he does love to drive. Susan had a great 'sleep in' day! We arrived at Wisconsin dells hotel at nearly 9. We are clean and tucked in, pooped also comes to mind.
Tomorrow we go to Minneapolis airport to meet a bus to take us to the Winnebago factory. We will dry camp in the RV with no services provided except from the RV itself. After orientation on Saturday we hit the road. We will not have Internet tomorrow night and who knows when after that. I will update the blog as I can. No photos taken today.
As Susan loves to say, the adventure has just begun.
Two, Too old people + one in a car
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Mount Juliet, Tennessee, United States
Other Entries
1Two, Too old people + one in a car
May 14Mount Juliet, United Statesphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 8 -
2Westward to Winnebago we go
May 151 day laterWisconsin Dells, United Statesphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 4 -
3HO, HO, HO.....the jolly
May 162 days laterOacoma, United Statesphoto_camera1videocam 0comment 7 -
4Windy day on the road
May 173 days laterHardin, United Statesphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 9 -
5What a difference a day makes!
May 184 days laterSaint Regis, United Statesphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 6 -
May 195 days laterWinthrop, United Statesphoto_camera6videocam 0comment 5 -
7Susan says "God on the Mountain"
May 206 days laterAnacortes, United Statesphoto_camera13videocam 0comment 8 -
8Crossing the border
May 217 days laterVictoria, Canadaphoto_camera11videocam 0comment 6 -
9Garden of Eden
May 228 days laterCampbell River, Canadaphoto_camera11videocam 0comment 5 -
10A road much less traveled
May 239 days laterPort Hardy, Canadaphoto_camera9videocam 0comment 4 -
11Let the captain do the driving
May 2410 days laterPrince Rupert, Canadaphoto_camera7videocam 0comment 5 -
12Fresh off the boat
May 2511 days laterPrince Rupert, Canadaphoto_camera7videocam 0comment 5 -
13On the road again
May 2612 days laterDease Lake, Canadaphoto_camera7videocam 0comment 8 -
14In the middle of nowhere
May 2713 days laterDestruction Bay, Canadaphoto_camera10videocam 0comment 6 -
15Back in the USA
May 2814 days laterTok, United Statesphoto_camera4videocam 0comment 5 -
16Adventure Ends
May 2915 days laterWasilla, United Statesphoto_camera8videocam 0comment 7 -
17Back in the skies
May 3016 days laterAnchorage, United Statesphoto_camera7videocam 0comment 5 -
18Home at Last. THE END
May 3117 days laterMount Juliet, United Statesphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 4

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Cathy and kids
It sounds awesome so far. I'm glad you know when enough is enough and it's time to rest. As usual Betty you are a great writer even though your journey has just begun. It leaves us wanting more. Be safe and have fun, Susan you too.
Well yay for us!!! Once again we have something special to look forward to!! Tricruiser is on the move once again!!! Be safe. Stay healthy. Send posts as you can. We send hugs and prayers your way.
(Note to Betty: when you post if you want to make paragraphs you put three spaces below each paragraph when posting on Travelpod. For whatever reason, two spaces are not recognized.)
Joan Oldham
Ahhh! A blog from Betty! Makes for a good morning.
Ah yes, a blog from Betty and Company is a great way to start the day. In spite of all the delays for construction and rain it sounds like Ed burned up the Interstate. Be careful the rest of the way to Minneapolis. Looking forward to your next episode And HELLO SUSAN !!
At last a blog from Betty! Can't wait to have more! Safe travels! Love to all of you!
Benny Maggart
Great that you're on the way. Pray safe and enjoyable trip. I forgot to tell Susan, if you see any ice while you're gone, take a picture.
"North To Alaska!" Looking forward to reading about your new adventure! Hugs to you all. Stay safe. ♡
Wish we were following behind you! Maybe next year?! Have a safe and great trip. Looking forward to your blogs!