HO, HO, HO.....the jolly

Saturday, May 16, 2015
Oacoma, South Dakota, United States
The first thing Susan said this morning was she was moving to the couch since her bunk bed is too hard! More of that miracle foam concrete.We are up early waiting for the conference rooms to open with coffee and refreshments provided by Winnebago. Since the butter burger did not kill me I try to eat my weight in pastry without Susan seeing me! No small feat! Our appointment is 11 so we scout out the RV to make sure everything works. Pack and tuck in stuff and rearrange. After we are properly orientated we move out to the wind tunnel highway. We head to what is supposed to a super walmart down the road in Blue Earth, Mn. It is anything but super. H I Holt had more in his 5 and 10 cent store than this store had. We did get a few items, but not the stock up we expected and a lot of time wasted. Across from this store is the JOLLY GREEN GIANT statue. Who remembers the singing giant commercial? Anyway this is where this started at the Blue Earth cannery. We could not pass this up with out a photo op. Eat your hearts out. You know you wish you were here!

On this wind turbine sightseeing drive Ed is white knuckled keeping the RV between the lines . Not always with success! He says the beautiful dirt fields had their start in some other states south and west of here! Where did their dirt originally come from or is their dirt just missing. Wind turbines mean wind, and lots of it. Almost ever blade was turning today. Ed also says some areas do not have these turbines because it is TOO windy for them. We have a long way to go so we drive on to Al's Oasis in Oacona, South Dakota. We walk across to Al's restaurant for buffalo burgers. Then to Al's grocery which beat the heck out of Walmart. Since we walked we will shop in the morning and fill up with gas too. Back to the park, which is right next to the highway as most parks are. I am still waiting for a train whistle though. THAT IS WHEN IT HAPPENED! One of the two slide out will not open. Call a cardiologist for both of us! Ed calls the company, etc. The maintainence man in him found a fuse with a fault. When he attempted to take it out, it reconnected or some such and went back to green from red. That color change seemed really important. The slide out did slide out when he tried again. BUT, he thinks the fuse is broken inside the panel and may not operate consistently if the board is defective behind the fuses! BAD, since this is the bedroom slide out! When closed it blocks the drawers. So while it is out, we empty the drawers. We can climb over the bed to sleep, BUT if this slide does not close we can not drive the RV. SO, it remains to be seen if we will be a bit cramped for the remainder of the trip. Also this slide has Susan's bunk in it and when the slide is closed the bathroom door will not open all the way. Stay tuned.......Is this just day three of our VACATION?Too much excitement for me to sleep. It rained in the night, ahhhh the sound on rain on the roof. Ohhhhh, rain is not good for unhooking the RV!

Side note: I believe that I have discovery how lithotripsy was invented. As someone with a kidney stone too large to pass drove across I 90's washboard, rough road, the stone began to breakup. By the time she/he had covered the length of this road he/she could pass the smaller, now pulverized stones. This person then invented a machine to pulverize stones since not everyone has access to I 90.
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Benny Maggart

Keep on trucking...er RVing. When watching a comedy show, we laugh at other people's misadventures. Keep the laughs coming. I really hope the roads become smoother and the beds softer. Note of caution: I recently heard of a warning sign found on a Canadian roadway. It said: "Be careful of the rut you choose. You will be in it for at least 25 miles." Happy travels!


Yep -- not much beats the joy of camping. Until I read your blog I didn't realize Hugo made campers. We all have our problems, I suppose. I thought I was having a "moment of darkness" trying to read the blog before I figured out I was clicking the "zoom out" instead of the "zoom in" thingy. All is well now and, incidentally, we slept quite well on our Tempurpedic again last night. Since you left for wherever, we did the round trip excursion to Publix. At this point we have had .20" of rain and expect more today so your sprinkler has not yet been activated. All is well here. Enjoy your journey folks. Think I'll kick back in the Lazyboy and watch a travel documentary.

Frank and MA


We had the pipes under our kitchen sink become disconnected once on that Interstate...has to be traveled via RV to get the full pleasure of the ride! We discovered the loose pipes when I was washing dishes after we ate...as you say, a thrill a minute RVing.


Seens like you're on the "Test your patience" tour . Sure hope that slide out works for you. Even if there is a manual crank fot it you don't want to have to deal with it. The Jolly Green Giant could probably just pull it out for you, lol...Sorry about the mattresses, another example of the people that design something never actually use it. Maybe there will be a Winnebago dealer with a shop along the way that could check out the slide fuse cor you. Anyway, it won't be long before you'll be in TIM HORTEN COUNTRY, woo hoo ..
Hopefully the rest of your expedition goes smooooothly,
Be safe, have fun and hope you feel better Betty..

Melva Meador

Betty, Ed and Susan: I can't help but smile at your newest blog. I hope tomorrow will be an awesome day for you.......with NO problems. Missing You!


Oh the joys of camping! Just think, you could be in a tent! Try to relax and have fun!


Yes, we do remember "ho ho ho Green Giant" commercial. Really dating ourselves now!

Take care & stay safe. xoxox, Ginny & Gary


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