Garden of Eden

Friday, May 22, 2015
Campbell River, British Columbia, Canada
We do not leave the park until 9 since we have some time today to tour around. It was about 70 when we left and mostly sunny. Ed decided to take me to Butchart Gardens. Oh my!! I suppose you have noticed that I have taken a lot of photos of flowers. Ed will not let me carry the camera because I am always admiring the flowers and want to take a photo. This has been a feast for the eyes since we arrive in the northwest. Today was absolutely breathtaking. 
As we left the gardens it occurred to me what God can see all the time that we only experience occasionally . How anyone could look at the variety of plants gathered in such a garden and not believe in a supreme being. No accidents here, all in his creation. Anyway, it was a great day to admire the gardens. It is in between seasons so a lot was just finishing blooming or not yet in bloom. We all enjoyed the experience. Photos to follow if the band width allows. 
After we left we headed north to Nanaimo. We wanted to get lunch on the water front. Evidently that does not exist or they have it hidden. After driving around we decided to just stop. There are few place to park this RV. We ended up at Original Joes. It was a nice restaurant. Ed broke down and had fish taco. We saw our first TIM HORTONs. It was never where we could enter or we were looking for lunch. We saw several after we had already eaten. We stopped in a market for a Nanaino Bar. When in Nanaimo one must do as they do.......These are a chocolate layered dessert made popular here. Of course you too can have this tasty treat, since they are for sale in our grocery delis . We journey on to our home for the night at Thunderbird RV park in Campbell River, BC. This is on a spit of land that borders Discovery Passage. There are still canneries here for people who catch and want to can their catch. That is seasonal. We can see snow topped mountains in front and behind the park. We are looking at a large island out our windshield. The ferry is crossing back and forth continually. The area is full of Indians, Eskimo type I would say. Our park is part of that system. There are totems inside our gates. We passed and went back to see a cemetery with several totems as grave and family markers. Interesting. Hope to send photos. We cooked in tonight. Tomorrow we head to the port Hardy ferry to Prince Rupert on the mainland. Internet is doubtful. We will be overnighting on the ferry. It is a 22 hour ride. We will not be allowed in the RV so I have to pack bags for the overnight. I just know I will forget something! I know I keep repeating this but each day brings us closed to the event.

We drove 186 miles today. Tomorrow we have about 236 kilometers (165 miles) to our destination tomorrow. 
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Benny Maggart

Beautiful garden (Ed, let her keep the camera). Looks like my back yard - in my mind. Hope you didn't eat any of that special fruit there. You are already too much to handle. Too bad you couldn't find a Fat Mo's to get a big burger.Keep on rolling and keep us updated.


As beautiful as Butchart Gardens are between seasons they are even more amazing when things are in full bloom. Betty, you heart might not be able to stand it! I am so glad you all were able to see them. Have fun on the ferry and we continue to look forward to your morning update.


I am so happy you got to see the Butchart Gardens. It is one of the most beautiful places we have been. It is truly a Garden of Eden. So glad you are having a good time. Give Susan a big hug for me.


The Butchart Gardens are on our bucket list for sure. Beautiful pictures Betty!! Ed, let Betty carry the camera, it's digital, she's not burning up rolls of film, lol...
Hope you're having a great ride on the ferry, judging by the route map it looks like you're going through some beautiful territory. Can't wait for the blog report after you get to Prince Rupert. Want to hear about what you saw on the coast line. Have fun and be careful. Look for sea critters Susan, take some pictures for us!!


I cannot believe the beauty in these gardens. The pictures are amazing, can't even imagine being there. I'm so glad Ed had planned this stop! 'Til we hear from you again .. Enjoy & stay safe. Xoxox, Ginny & Gary

P.S. I read post to little Gary and when I got to the part of God's creations, he said "Yes, no kidding!"


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