I came to the conclusion that the noise from the engines is like standing under the rotors of a helicopter. After Ed had a good nap he got up at 1 am to see the docking at Bella. He said a lot got off there. The announcements were made into the rooms! There was at least one other stop. Ed went back to his bunk to finish his sleep. He showered and had no flood! For breakfast there were no menu items so he asked them to scramble 2 eggs with no salt, $ 4.99. We asked for decaf coffee. They had it but had to brew it and figure out how! I guess everyone here is into caffeine.Ed and I wandered to the back open deck. We spot a pod of dolphins and one humpback whale! Yeah! There is a tent pitched on the back deck with boots, socks, and gear outside. All the blow up beds are gone. There is a school group doing home works still. I must say they are quite and non intrusive. I asked why they were doing homework on the ferry on Saturday and Sunday. They have been on a band trip for 10 days and have homework to catch up on. Most of the other folks left on board are non English speakers, Europeans. Actually most speak English but not as their first language. There is also a couple from Georgia. We putter along scanning the waters and shore for wildlife. This is the inside passage. The waters are relatively still. We have been near land on both side for most of the day. The land we see is wildness. We arrive at the port at 3:30 and drive out, no reverse required, at 3:47. Not knowing what our day would be like we have reservations at a campground about a half mile from the port. Since we are early we decide to explore the town and look for low sodium bread. Exploration did not take long. The Walmart was so small we went to Safeway and found some fairly low sodium bread plus milk at $3.49 a half gallon. Yikes! We saw some of the harbor and an old crest pole also know as totem. They tell the story of First Nation culture. The majority of the people we see here are First Nation( Indians, Eskimo.)The good news is there is a Tim Horton here. We stop for three English toffee coffees and discover Timbites. That is donut holes in English.
We gas up for continued driving tomorrow
. The towns will be few and far between for the next 600 miles. Back at the hilly park we settle in for the night. There are more beautiful flowers here. I especially love the yellow rhododendrons. There have been more beautiful flowers than I ever remember or maybe I just never appreciated them until now. I have so many more photos that I have not shared. I had said that it was not as pretty driving in spring but that would only apply to fields that are still brown with the crops not yet up. This trip has just been a wonderful experience with flowers. The weeds beside the road have such majestic colors and shapes. Thanks for encouraging Ed to let me hold the camera. He still takes some of the shots himself.
In the park we also spot another GAH RV. We have not seen one in several days. We knock on the door and find a young lady from Georgia traveling with 4 adults and three children in the same model RV we have. Thank goodness they did not have slide out problems. By the way, now a corner of the top seal of the back unused slide is hanging out.???
The manager here had said we would give us a close site if we wanted wifi, so I did not expect too much from his system but I had no problems with yesterday's blog upload. I am rushing to get this out since I do not want to push my luck.
today we did 324 miles on the sea and a few here in town.
The campground for tomorrow says wifi, but not to use for photos. We wait and see. We plan to drive about 300 miles a day without too much to see along the way for the next several days. Hopefully we see some wild life!
Stay tuned.
Let the captain do the driving
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Prince Rupert, British Columbia, Canada
Other Entries
1Two, Too old people + one in a car
May 1410 days priorMount Juliet, United Statesphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 8 -
2Westward to Winnebago we go
May 159 days priorWisconsin Dells, United Statesphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 4 -
3HO, HO, HO.....the jolly
May 168 days priorOacoma, United Statesphoto_camera1videocam 0comment 7 -
4Windy day on the road
May 177 days priorHardin, United Statesphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 9 -
5What a difference a day makes!
May 186 days priorSaint Regis, United Statesphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 6 -
May 195 days priorWinthrop, United Statesphoto_camera6videocam 0comment 5 -
7Susan says "God on the Mountain"
May 204 days priorAnacortes, United Statesphoto_camera13videocam 0comment 8 -
8Crossing the border
May 213 days priorVictoria, Canadaphoto_camera11videocam 0comment 6 -
9Garden of Eden
May 222 days priorCampbell River, Canadaphoto_camera11videocam 0comment 5 -
10A road much less traveled
May 231 day priorPort Hardy, Canadaphoto_camera9videocam 0comment 4 -
11Let the captain do the driving
May 24Prince Rupert, Canadaphoto_camera7videocam 0comment 5 -
12Fresh off the boat
May 251 day laterPrince Rupert, Canadaphoto_camera7videocam 0comment 5 -
13On the road again
May 262 days laterDease Lake, Canadaphoto_camera7videocam 0comment 8 -
14In the middle of nowhere
May 273 days laterDestruction Bay, Canadaphoto_camera10videocam 0comment 6 -
15Back in the USA
May 284 days laterTok, United Statesphoto_camera4videocam 0comment 5 -
16Adventure Ends
May 295 days laterWasilla, United Statesphoto_camera8videocam 0comment 7 -
17Back in the skies
May 306 days laterAnchorage, United Statesphoto_camera7videocam 0comment 5 -
18Home at Last. THE END
May 317 days laterMount Juliet, United Statesphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 4

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Benny Maggart
Glad things are going well. Good day at church. Linda and I celebrated our 40th anniversary today. If you look, you'll find beauty in all of your travel. The big things may not be spectacular always, but see the small wonders and marvel at God's creation.
We have never seen yellow rhododendrons before. Who knew? Betty, you are so good at seeing the details and then sharing them. We are so thankful that you all are making this trip and having such a good time. What memories you are making.
Wow!! Your SECOND TIM HORTEN's , you're on a roll Betty. My guess is that there probably won't be another for awhile. The flowers sound beautiful. Sounds like the ferry overall was an interesting experience, something to do at least once. Hope your drive to the AlCan is uneventful and that fuel stops are spaced at GAH friendly intervals, lol. It's raining here for Memorial Day, ...Be safe and have fun. Good morning Susan!!
Just caught up with your blogs! Worked all weekend, fun! Sounds like you are having quite an adventure! Glad you are having fun. Stay safe!
Gorgeous yellow rhododendrons .. dolphins & whales, WOW. You certainly have been blessed with jaw-dropping beauty on this adventure. Thanks for sharing all with us! Hugs to you all, Ginny & Gary