In the middle of nowhere

Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Destruction Bay, Yukon, Canada
We start the day with sun and 62 degrees. Quite nice. The restaurant here had good looking cinnamon buns but we think that down the road there will be other places to get one. Not. We remember having lots of advertisement about cinnamon buns along this highway. Where have they gone? We fill up yet again. we head toward Alaska, on hwy 1, the Alaskan highway, on this long lonesome road. It is much prettier than we remember, just nothing out here. We came to a stretch that did not have 911 available and no power lines even. We spotted a porcupine soon.! Then later a couple of free roaming horses. The clouds darkened and our views of mountains was obscured, but that brings a different kind of beauty with cloud movements and fog. I realize why Ed likes this drive. Out here it is just the road that is the challenge. No people, cars, lights, signs, and other distractions....just the road. He set the cruise and just drove looking for wildlife and scenery. The wildflowers still are amazing. The arctic lupines catch my eye but we soon find several other varieties of flowers. They are not massive but dot the roadsides. We passed the 3000 miles driven. I think maybe I should have done my car counting again today to pass the time. We pass the headwaters of the Yukon River, one of the largest in North America. We stopped in White Horse, the capital of the Yukon Territory. It is a good sized compact town. There are not too much in the way of suburbs. This was the obligatory shopping for Susan. And guess what, go ahead and guess. You got it, Tim Horton. We had great wifi there. Susan is now addicted to the English toffee. Not good! She has her picture made in each one. I hope they never come to Tennessee.
  It is cooler in White horse . There is extreme fire danger here so we are glad for the cloud and light rain. We even a good section of black top road, just before we got to the muddy gravel construction. We were driving along and see another camper pull over quickly..a good sign there is something to see and a large elk is just above the road grazing. He did not seem to be bother by us. He soon walked away, but it made our day.
we have set our sites on the beautiful Cottonwood RV park only to find it has not opened this season. Now that boys and girls is a problem. The places to stop are few and far between. We drive on for another hour to Destruction Bay where we once had stopped before in this same pickle. Ed stopped at the Fast Gas at the Talbot Arm Motel and RV park. (We stayed here once before and the electricity was an extension cord or some such). He asked the young man behind the counter about an RV park. The young man quietly said the next drive way. We head to the next driveway to the Destruction Bay RV park. It is not much to look at but the site is level the wifi good and the owner eager to please . This is right Across from Kluane Lake. We have been driving beside this lake for many miles. The views are not the best with the cloud cover. As I type the clouds and sun peak in and our and reveal the mountains right behind us. The clouds obscure the mountains but the views are dramatic as the clouds move past. Just now the sky is turning blue! We are so far north that the sun is up until about 11 pm.
after we hooked up I cooked! Yikes, how did that happen. It happened because we bought too many groceries and now we need to use them! I hate when a plan goes array.  
Tomorrow we will cross into the US, that is if they let us back in!
the RV park for tomorrow is in Tok and we have been there before. It should have good wifi.
until then.
Other Entries



That is the campground WE stayed at in 1997! Some of the folks that we were traveling with in the caravan fished while we were there, and some wonderful fried fish (Pike I think I remember) dinners were shared later. Also we had a little August!!! Great memories. Keep having a safe trip and keep these posts coming.


Seems like it would be hard to sleep with the sun still up! Pix are beautiful!


Love reading about your trip. Missing You! Tell Susan I especially missed her yesterday. Sending love to you.

Benny Maggart

Beautiful scenery, even the fog. Fog banks hold a treasure of fascination as they roll in and you are engulfed in them. Enjoy the excitement of what lies immediately ahead as you travel through them. Think I'll check with the chamber of commerce to see what possibilities there is in getting a Tim Hortons in Mt Juliet, maybe on Providence Way.


In awe, once again, viewing these pictures. They'd really make beautiful wall art. Craving Horton's English toffee, Susan, big time!! Hope you have a very safe end of trip. xoxox, Ginny & Gary


Ahhh, Ed, I know how you feel after burning up the highway. Glad you made it to the AlCan safely. And another Tim Horton to add to Susan's trophy shelf. Hope your next RV park is open for the season. Keep those beautiful pictures coming!
Be safe and have fun......


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