Adventure Ends

Friday, May 29, 2015
Wasilla, Alaska, United States
Ed and I went to the pancake toss last night. We did not hit the bucket with a pancake to win free breakfast. The new owner puts up quite a performance to get the RVers to get to know each other and have some laughs. We have not experienced any thing like that this trip. While we were chatting with folks one of the campground hosts said he was from Tennessee. It turns out he lives where I 40 and 840 meet in Lebanon. I even know one of his neighbors! It is a small world. He and his wife do this kind of thing most years. They work at a campground and visit the sites too.
this morning we had sourdough pancakes and reindeer sausage . The owner does everything. He needs to work on his cooking a bit. He is a certified RV repairman from Arizona. They sold out there to buy this campground. It is not open year round. He was really a nice guy who tried to fix everyone's problems. His wife was much shyer. They looked to be in there late forties. Susan was able to get her tshirt fix here.
We headed on toward Wasilla for the last night in the RV. It took longer than we hoped since the roads are so heaved. There was a long section under major replacement. It needs it. As we drove we came over upon such magnificent views of mountains and rivers and glaciers. The rivers do not look much our rivers. They are glacier and snowmelt fed that are filled with the silt that is gray! The waters are very rapid in the warm sunshine. The highest peaks along our journey are mostly obscured by clouds. When we could get a good look, the trees blocked my shots. I have a lot of photos of trees! 
Why do dandelions only grow along the road edges here? They were beautiful and plentiful . There are several other varieties of wildflowers in bloom. When Ed is driving I get to hold the camera. We stopped to get a photo of Mt Drum with the Copper River Basin behind. 
 The forests vary with the soil conditions. The black spruce (I thought they were pines) grow were the soil is poor or wet. The white spruce, aspens, and birch grow in better conditions. there is evidence of burned areas. Some of the roads are long and winding. This is slow going. The traffic was pretty light until we got near Palmer. Sarah Palin lives in Wasilla. We came upon a pyramid shaped mountain named King. Mountain. It became more impressive as we passed near its base. We passed near the Matanuska Glacier. It is quite near the road in relative terms. We are beginning to run on fumes so Fred Meyer gas was a welcome site. The gas was $3.159 a gallon.  The Friday afternoon traffic was building as the beautiful warm weather had everyone out with their recreational vehicles. We passed a spot of water where the rafts and small boats were one solid line at the shore . The folks were in shorts, etc. Let me say it is a little cool for that! Maybe 72. We FINALLY arrive at the Big Bear RV park around 4. Really nice people and park, right beside the highway and train tracks. Just like it is supposed to be. We were directed to the thrift stores to leave two suitcases filled with the winter clothes we brought. We are down to just one suitcase to take home. Hopefully it will not be over weight. We had to get the RV ready to turn in tomorrow. 
Dinner was vegetarian. It was combination of what was left, mostly carbs. Breakfast will not even ask. You would not believe me anyway. At 9:30 as I start to type the moon has risen and the sun is shining on the snow on the mountains. The sun set is 11 something and the sunrise is 4 something. It does not really get dark. 
We drove 292 miles and saw no wildlife.
i am still not receiving the notification when I send my blog and and do not get notifications when you comment. We checked the setting and can not figure it out. Oh well, it is almost finished anyway.

Susan has written her thoughts about this blog. "Friday  May 29. 2015
Thanks to our family and friends. Once again thank you for your comments on our travel blog. I enjoy reading them. I had a wonderful time going to Alaska for two weeks. It's been a fun adventure for me. I took some pictures of our trip. I love you all and will see some of you on Sunday . Glad to hear everything is going well in Tennessee .  Susan Coon"
Tomorrow is RV turn in and three airports that get us home Sunday morning. There will have to be one more edition to get the pin back to Mt Juliet.
Until then.

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Benny Maggart

Glad you made it. Some of these pics remind me when Linda and I were in Alaska 25 yrs. ago. I have a preacher friend that did mission work for a couple of years in Wasilla. He met Sarah Palin several times. I really like the pic of Dumpster Mt. We pray for a safe flight back to Nashville and hope to see you Sunday if you're not too worn out.


We sure hate to see this adventure coming to an end but look forward to having you back home again. Your pictures are beautiful...thanks so much for sharing this trip with us. Be safe coming back. Hugs to all three of you.


How very much I have enjoyed your trip - I feel like I have been there with you. Susan - I miss you a lot. I pray you have a safe trip HOME. We have been to Alaska and it is SO beautiful. Sending lots of love to you and a BIG HUG!


Wow, time sure flies when you're having "fun". Bet you're glad you don't have to do another couple hundred miles on the AlCan. Looking forward to seeing your smiling faces back in Mt. J. Have a safe flight and we'll see you soon!!


I'm sad to see our adventures come to a close, but happy you are on your way home. Susan .. can't wait to see the pictures you took when we see you again. Take good care, God bless all of you & safe travels.


Thanks for the heads-up that you are getting home tomorrow---I should have time to take one more shower at your place and tidy up a tad. I'll probably go ahead and roll up the extension cord and hose from your place to mine as the traffic has taken a toll on both. All is well here--welcome home.


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