Back in the skies

Saturday, May 30, 2015
Anchorage, Alaska, United States
We left big bear RV in Wasilla at 8. After we left the remaining items at the office. It is sunny and 62. We drive through. The Palmer flats on our way to anchorage. This area is called the valley and is much like the lower 48. Record sized vegetables are grown here with the long days of sun. This is also the fastest growing area in AK.The signs along the road keep a running total of moose killed along the road. So far 216 this year. We count people, they count moose. It is against the law to waste road kill of edible meat. It is harvested for charities.We saw North Star Missionary Baptist Church near Eagle River. This is a sister church to ours at home. When we hit anchorage we hit traffic. Since this is Saturday it is light. I noyptice that this is really an international city. There was a falafel, Mexican, Asian, and reindeer restaurant on the same block. Food truck have discovered Alaska too. It was 60 degrees on the sign here. We had to top off the gas and fill the propane. George tuning in the RV at Great Alaskan holiday. The owner was driving through in his convertible Mercedes. We are checked in with problems by 10. We have a wait for the airport shuttle. When we arrive at the airport we are a few pounds under weight so we empty a few more things into the case. No problems at the empty security except the random search got Susan and me??It freaked her out to be patted down. She is still talking about it. We go to the observation deck and had great views of the four snow capped volcanos. Back to Humpy's for seafood. This is a branch of the famous downtown restaurant. We had salmon, crab bites, halibut! Back to the mezzanine to try to see Denali. After the long walk we can barely see the mountain in the distance. Back to our gate to wait. We need a nap after the big lunch, so Susan takes one!   We are now in Seattle waiting for our 10:30 pm flight to Atlanta where we will get our last flight to Nashville. We are scheduled to arrive after 8 am. Airport food is not conducive to good health. Unusual for us that we have not had any incidents in the airport YET! The flights are full. I hope to get a little sleep. We just saw the photos of our nephews Gene and Michael on Facebook. These brothers road 50 miles to raise money for Best Buddies in Susan's honor. They are the best and Susan is so proud of her cousins. Of course today she is unhappy with her parents for not having her in Massachusetts to SEE her cousins ride! While at the airport we can see Mt Rainier CLEARLY! Not the usual for that mountain. We are still in route so there will be more.
Total miles on the RV: 3820 .     Miles flown 1438-from Anchorage to Seattle 
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Benny Maggart

Just finished studying for Sunday service and thought I'd check on your final lap. Linda and I were present for North Star Church organization in Anchorage 25 yrs. ago last month. They later moved to Eagle River. We also got to fly in a bush plane one of the members had while there. Fond memories. You have helped kindle up some good times. Thanks for all the reports of the memories you have piled up in the past few days.


Betty, thanks for your kindness in sharing your adventure with us once again. Any day with a blog post from you is a good one. It will be good to look out our back window and know that our special neighbors are once again back in their nest...until the next time! Welcome home!


I am thrilled you got to take this wonderful trip, but I am ready for you to come home. I am missing my friends. I am praying for a safe trip home. Sending lots of love to all - especially my friend Susan.


WELCOME HOME COON'S!!!I'm sure you'll be taking a well deserved nap. I think I need one too, "traveling" with you guys has been real fun. Can't wait to do it again. Thanks for letting us tag along.....See you soon!


Thanks so much for sharing all of your adventures with me. It was fun for me, too. Looking forward to seeing all of you soon!!


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