Home at Last. THE END

Sunday, May 31, 2015
Mount Juliet, Tennessee, United States
From Seattle to Atlanta was an uneventful flight. This was the longest plane we have ever been on with every seat taken they said. We flew four hours crossing three time zones. We got the usual cookie and coke and tried to sleep. One of us is a seat hog. She had to lie on her back to sleep she said, which meant scooting all the way to the window on her bottom with her legs crossed upward and her upper body across me. SHE got a nap! Me, not so much! I think I a got thirty minutes or so. Ed did get a couple of hours nap he says. I did expect to get the wake up coffee on the plane, but that did not happen! I guess Delta is just cutting costs. The views out the window of the plane at sunrise were striking hues of red backlit with light. It was still dark when we landed. The airport was just waking up as we departed the plane. Of course we landed in A concourse and our flight to Nashville was out of B. That involves a walk, an elevator, a walk, a train ride, an escalator, and a walk. Near our gate is very little to eat so we opt for a Dunkin Donut biscuit and coffee. My spoon would have stood up in this brew.....ahhhh for an English toffee from Tim's. Of course I could have ordered a flavored coffee but we were so tired we could not even read the menus small letter on the high distant board in red or orange letters. Try reading their menu some time. I tried lying down at the gate but the tv is right above me. So I will type some great words to add to this literary masterpiece. I think I must be getting punchy from lack of sleep. I have not changed my watch from Anchorage time, it reads 3:30 am while the Atlanta time is 7:30 and Nashville is 6:30.I need a nap, but do not expect to get it. I will add to the final note so that the pin will return to Mt Juliet.                                                                                                                                                                   We traveled to Nashville with no problems. The skies are overcast. We got home at 9:25 and Susan and I get dressed for church. This is the Fifth Sunday so we have a pot luck lunch and a gospel singing group in the afternoon. This time was the Midstate Quartet. The services were very good as was lunch. Since I was not home to cook I did not take any dishes. That has not happened very often. We are back home and have snacked for our dinner. 

We have no plans to do this trip again, but never say never. We would like to visit Alaska again. 
Miles flown from Seattle to Atlanta to Nashville is about 2400.
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Love it .. "never say never." Your blogs & pictures really have inspired me to want to travel. So happy you are all back safe & sound. Take good care! xoxox, Ginny & Gary


Wow! Color us impressed that you were able to make it to church! That is quite a testimony. Glad you are back...now we can look out our sunroom window and send good thoughts your way. Welcome home.


So very happy to know you are home - safe and sound. But I will miss reading your blogs. Looking forward to seeing you again.


Thanks for sharing the adventures! I love seeing all the pictures. Glad you're home safe, where you can catch up on some much needed rest!!


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