Westward Ho!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Bayfield, Wisconsin, United States
Wednesday. May 10, 2017We left our RV park that overlooked Lake Huron at about 7:30. We begin our trek westward. We will make some stops to sight see, but pretty much we are traveling to our final destination from today on. Since I had a sleepless night we just drove today. We topped off the gas and headed out on US 2. We have Lake Michigan on our left. There is not much of interest along the way. Trees etc. The traffic if light and the population is small and gathered into small towns. There is logging in this area judging by the number of log trucks. We wind our way north as well as west on several highways where it is supposed to be the scenic route. We soon come to Lake Superior on our right. It really looks like the ocean in color and movement. That means that in the first three hours of our drive we have seen three Great Lakes! We have now seen them all. There are many signs about iron as we transverse Michigan. This state is heavily forested and belongs to either state or federal governments. I thought it interesting that lake front property is so available they build schools and ordinary building along the water. Much of it is not developed here. We have crossed back into central time. We had planned to stay in Ashland, Wisconsin but changed our minds and went a little further up near the Apostle Islands in Lake Superior. We stopped at Wally World for a couple of items. One would be a Wisconsin Tshirt for guess who and I found the 3 missing pieces of Correle from the earlier mishap. We have a good site, maybe we are the only ones here? The computers were down when Ed tried to check in, then the water has not been turned on, then the electric service is too large. We finally settled on a site facing the lake. It has sprinkled. Today warmed up as we made our way west. We have been peeling off our layers of clothes all day. I think it is about time! This RV park is connected to a casino. We have never been in one of those before, I think. There are lots of Native Americans around this part of the world. When we moved into Wisconsin we believe we have now been in 48 states and seen all the Great Lakes. Wildlife sightings: 3 deer, a swan, a turkey and two tall brown birds with really long legs.Miles driven : 377
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That RV park looks very nice. Glad the temps are moderating for you..
Not fun to be chilly!

Meador, Melva

Sounds like an interesting day. I think tomorrow is Ed's birthday. Tell him Happy Birthday and I hope he has a GREAT day. Give Susan a hug for me and tell her I MISS HER!

Newman, Dave and Pat

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ED!! Glad you got to go across "the top" and it wasn't snowing.
Hope Susan is feeling better. Wisconsin is full if Native Americans, used to see lots of them when we vacationed up there in the 50's. Glad you found your replacement dishes, now you can rest easy, lol.
Be safe and have fun. There are more T-shirts to be found!!


Wow .. 48 states and all the Great Lakes .. that is truly awesome. xoxox


Happy Birthday big brother! Hope you enjoy your day!!! xoxox

Linda Marsolais

Happy birthday Ed! Many many more! Luv linda


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