Language Change

Friday, February 19, 2010
Boquete, Panama
I'm going to pretend that I have non-Romanian readers on this blog and apologize to them as I will be mostly posting in Romanian from here on. It's simply much more time consuming to post in English as I'm mostly used to rather academic language and thus watch my wording in a million ways. Moreover, I've come to the conclusion that there are things which I can simply only convey in Romanian. It's funny how the language conditions you, at times even to the point of making you a different individual. Or is that just the beginning of personality disorder, Ile?
Anyhow, hope those of you who can't read Romanian will still be able to enjoy the pictures plus that Acme will keep telling his story that way. 
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Lucrez la un raspuns pe masura in ungureste; sper sa-l termin pina ne intilnim. Oricum, te urmaresc la greu. Pupici.


pentru mine va fi mai simplu nemaifiind nevoie sa traduc pentru mama , pa.


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