Into the Pyrenees

Sunday, June 26, 2011
Andorra la Vella, Andorra
I thought I woke up early in Barcelona and had a little time for siteseeing before having to catch the bus, but it turns out my iPhone was still on England time (1 hour behind). I took the subway to the stop Marina :) to make sure I could find the bus station and got my ticket. Walked around just a little but knew I didn't have enough time to make it to Segrada Familia (I could see it) so went back to the hostel, got my stuff and headed back to the bus station. I was nice and handed off my subway day pass to a new arrival (travelers gotta look out for each other).

The three hour bus ride to Andorra was alright . There was some nice mountain scenery and hill towns. After arriving in the main town of Andorra la Vella, I headed off to my hotel, which wasn't too far from the bus station. The hotel room was nice (especially after hostel). It was only early afternoon so I had time to catch another bus to the small town of Ordino. It was cute, though not much to see. If I had more time, it would be a good place for a hike. There was a wedding going on while I was there and the people were shooting off confetti and fireworks. I had a crepe and cider at a cafe with outdoor seating there. Caught the bus back to Andorra la Vella to look around its old town. Just a little to see there. Most of the town is shopping - Andorra has low taxes so attracts other Europeans. Even with their lower taxes, prices are significantly higher than America. I walked through one of their parks and along the river to Caldea Spa. It's one of the biggest in Europe, but I didn't go in ($60 entrance fee). I looked around town more and found a grocery store to get some provisions for my bus ride the next day. The hotel's wi-fi signal was spotty and slow so I wasn't able to FaceTime with Marina, but at least chat still worked. Since I had to be awake super early, I went to bed early.



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