I had to wake up early yet again to declare my independence from Britain. I got myself ready, said my goodbyes to Jon and Becky then caught a taxi to the bus station. Rode that to Heathrow then got to wait around again. Starbucks had pancakes to I tried those - they were alright.
Eventually boarded the flight for USA
. Had a window seat and my own tv monitor for movies. There was an older couple next to me (mid-50s?) that thought it ok to make out and grope each other at times during the flight. Eww. Since it felt like daytime to me, I really wasn't able to sleep and mostly just watched movies. We flew in over NYC and I got to see the skyline and the Statue of Liberty.
I had four hours to kill at Newark so walked around, had a very overpriced sandwich and beer at the least Irish Irish pub I've ever been to and did whatever else to pass the time. I was front row in economy for the flight to Portland. Next to me were a couple with their kid. Thankfully the kid fell asleep on take-off and only cried a couple times. I watched movies on my iPhone to pass the time. Coming into Portland the sun was mostly set, we could see the silhouettes of the mountains and there were fireworks going off below. Pretty nice. Got off the plane quick and outside where I had to wait 40 minutes for Marina to come get me.
It was nice to get away to Europe again and see some old architecture and experience other cultures. The trip was too short to allow me time to visit friends. . .will have to do that some other time. Having been to these countries I don't know that I would recommend them to people. There are better places to go in Europe. And I should rethink the idea of going places simply because I haven't been. There's a lot to be said for going somewhere you know you'll enjoy.
Independence from Britain
Monday, July 04, 2011
Portland, Oregon, United States
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