Our flight left on time and we managed to get two seats on their own which meant we didn't have to share the row with anyone else. There was plenty of legroom for cattle class and the food was good for airline food. While we had some control over where we sat we had no control over who sat behind us.
As it turned out we had a couple of real hillbillies behind us. The guy who sat behind us decided he had to use our headrest as his leverage point whenever he got out of his seat. Bad enough at the best of times but the guy was on the wrong side of 150kgs so it was like sitting in in a catapult for most of the trip. For a big bloke he had a bladder the size of a pea so was up and down like a yo-yo all flight.
The seats also had touch screen for the on-demand entertainment. Only Jed Clampett in the seat behind decided touch screen was more a punch screen system. When he wasn't bouncing out of his seat on the way to the can he was doing his best Woody Woodpecker impersonation by thumping his touch screen with his index finger.