Our alarm woke us at 5am quickly followed by the hotel's wake up call. We packed the last bits and pieces, checked out of the hotel then caught the shuttle bus to the departures level of the airport.
We lined up to get our boarding passes and check our bags in as we'd checked in online the day before. The line moved quite slowly but eventually we had checked in and went and had a snack before going to the departure gate to board our flight.
Walking to the departure gate we noticed that almost everyone there was Indian and carrying large bags holding musical instruments. The flight boarded about 30 minutes late and when we sat in our seats we realised we were completely surrounded by the group of Indian musicians. They took up probably 10 or more rows of the aircraft.
They all shuffled their seats to sit with their friends and the flight crew had a horrible time getting them to sit down and put their seat belts on when the aircraft was pushing out to take off. Eventually they settled down and the aircraft took off.
In more than 10 years of traveling I have never seen a more poorly behaved group on an aircraft. Their special meals were thrown into chaos as they had moved seats, they were rude to the flight crew snapping their fingers and clapping to get their attention when they were clearly assisting someone else or delivering meals or drinks to other passengers. They climbed all over other people and their seats and regularly pushed and shoved other passengers.
At times during the flight they blocked both aisles with card games and by the end many were so drunk they were stumbling about the aircraft and making the flight a misery for everyone else in their vicinity.
As we were leaving the aircraft on of the group, perhaps the person who was in charge of it, approached us to apologise for the group's behaviour. While that was nice of him to do so he did nothing during the flight to stop the behaviour which had both the flight crew and other passengers annoyed and disrupted what should have been a good flight.