Today we had a quiet day after the walking we did the day before.
We went to breakfast but as we were walking to the door of the hotel
room S slipped on the floor and nearly hit the deck.
Overnight the
air conditioner has sprung a leak leaving a puddle
of water near the front door. We let the front desk know and they sent
someone up to repair it while we went out looking for shorts to wear to
the water park the following day.
We walked up and down the street
looking in numerous shops before Shell decided
which shorts to buy. We had lunch at Bali Bakery as it was close to
where we bought the shorts.
S then went for a foot massage across
the street from the hotel while T relaxed in the hotel room.
We had
dinner at Batu Kali which was ok but meals were
small. After dinner it was back to the hotel for cocktails.