Closing out Crete - Back to Iraklion

Saturday, October 01, 2011
Heraklion, Kriti, Greece
Saturday 10/1
A leisurely breakfast and good conversation with our innkeeper and we finally pulled out of Channia at noon. First destination was Knossos, the site of a very large royal Minoan palace. Like Gortyns, it got busted up around 1700 BC with an earthquake, rebuilt and then Minoan civilization crumbled around 1450 BC. Because the Minoans were using wooden structural beams to support multiple floors, it appears fire may have been the biggest culprit in destroying the palaces. You would have thought they would have learned after the first destruction. Since archeologists have not been able to interpret what (very) little the Minoans wrote, it appears the reason for the sudden decline of the Minoans will remain as historical speculation. We engaged a guide for a tour through the ruins. She was good and informative but to me the ruins were somewhat disappointing. The archeologists have rebuilt some of the structures using concrete and probably a bit of imagination. It didn't seem as authentic as the old crumbly ruins we have been seeing.
Back to the Kastro Hotel, the same we stayed in the first night in Iraklion and we were ready to settle in and prepare to take the ferry to Santorini the next morning. Again we encountered the adventures of driving in the old city. The Kastro is located in an area with extremely narrow streets. Unloading the car with traffic impatiently waiting for you to move on is like a NASCAR pit stop. We need more practice and a clear designation of the pit crew leader.  

Car deposited safely, instructions on walking to the ferries in the morning and a good night of quite sleep

Thus far we have been, as my son David said, drinking out of a fire hose of history. Tomorrow morning we board a ferry to the fantasy land of Santorini. I think we can settle into sunshine and relaxation. We have enjoyed the history, but it is time to move on.
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Roseann Kurrle

Reading about your adventures has left me exhausted! Sounds like a fabulous trip. I assume you'll be wrapping it up pretty soon. There can't possibly be much more of Greece to see! The monestaries perched on the pinnacles were particularly impressive. I guess there were roads to get didn't have to scale the shear rocks? Had a great trip here with Jen and Cam. She left for DC today, to return next Tuesday. He is very precious, as are all grandbabies. Yours are sooooo cute! Bob flew his RV7 today for the first time!On a very sad note, Paul Burton passed away this morning after having had open heart surgery a week ago at Halifax. He never recovered. We are all in shock. That's all from here.


Hello Blue Team - I've decided you all coordinated your clothing for great photo shots. Blue is THE color for your adventure group. :-)
Now that you are on Santorini you must have an ouzo or retsina (not) for me. In 1971 the only way up to the City was by donkey and they wouldn't let me go. (They were afraid I'd deliver my child then and there!) So, I stayed in the little taverna at the bottom of the donkey trail and Ted went on up as one of us had to see the spectacular setting. It's a place I would still like to see. More photos, please.
Continue to enjoy!!


Wow! You sure are having a wonderful adventure! We love the photos, history lessons and commentary. Great job, Rod. We feel like we're almost there with you. I know you'll love Santorini. Art and I went there for an overnight and spent 5 days! We stayed in a cave for a couple of nights at north end in Oia--very cool! We rented a motor scooter to tour the island. Can't wait to get the full story and see all the photos after these teasers! Enjoy!!

Barbara Funk

You won't believe it, but my sister & I stayed at the Kastro Hotel when we went to Crete a few years ago! I am throrughly enjoying your play-by-play narrative.


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