Bound for Spruce Creek

Saturday, December 28, 2013
Liberty, Kentucky, United States
Saturday, Dec. 28, 2013

After a family gathering pre-Christmas dinner in Liberty, a great day with the grand kids on Christmas day in Bardstown, a prediction of cold rainy weather coming our way, and a couple of post Christmas days removing decorations and putting some diesel juice in the motorhome, we were ready to go, it was time.

Early Saturday morning we pulled out of the driveway with the RV's front end dragging on the pavement and breaking the generator box latch. Within a ½ mile we had pulled over to repair the latch. Tools retrieved from home, it was fixed in 30 minutes and we were on our way.

We assumed a Saturday passage through Atlanta would avoid the big traffic jams of a work day. WRONG. With a gentle rain starting in Chattanooga it progressed to pouring in Atlanta and traffic was as ugly as any work day. Darkness approaching we made a quick reservation at the Atlanta South RV Park and pulled into our parking space in the dark. We tried a few packed corporate restaurants with wait times well beyond my limit and settled on some glamorous dining at Wendy's.

We returned to the motorhome to discover our the AC part of our electrical system was malfunctioning. All electrical appliances except the refrigerator were inoperable with no obvious fixes.  The wind blew hard and it rained all night. An auspicious beginning

Sunday, Dec. 29, 2013

Early up, no appliances available for breakfast prep, a "low fat" breakfast at Hardees – NOT- and off we go. A huge interstate traffic stoppage for some unknown reason just before Macon took 1 ½ hours to crawl through.

 The remainder of the trip was an easy but long drive to our empty hangar in Spruce Creek, FL. Mary, not wanting to go without her early morning coffee another day made arrangements to stay with our friends, Cliff and Sandy. Delightful to be with friends in a big beautiful home, but we missed our RV bed and stayed only one night.

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