Spruce Creek – Good Friends and Memories

Monday, December 30, 2013
Port Orange, Florida, United States
Dec. 30, 2013 -- Jan. 4, 2014 – Spruce Creek  

 We settle into RV / hangar living for a few days in the Wolford Hangar RV Resort. Mary, not so fond of the location and lighting, refers to it as cave dwelling but I like it. Airplanes are taxiing by our front door.  We are a few yards to the Fly In Café. Several old friends own nearby hangars for drop in chats, technical advice and tool borrowing. And best of all the nightly charge is free.

RVs, not unlike boats and airplanes are rolling maintenance magnets. There is always something to maintain, repair or improve. I had made an appointment RV dealer in Sanford for oil changes and a few issues I could not fix that needed to be addressed. The biggest problem was the electrical system that had shut down our AC power in Atlanta. Fortunately I was able to diagnose and temporarily get AC service back on line but I knew that was the beginning of a big sucking sound from my wallet because the core issue was bad batteries. I was not wrong. Fortunately, I had some good mechanics assigned when I took the RV to La Mesa RV in Sanford. The job was finished in one day and the credit card was vigorously exercised but I drove it back to the hangar with everything working and ready for the trip.
We have decided to list the hangar for sale. Recent values from sales indicates that prices have fully recovered to pre real estate crash time and it is hard to justify hanging on to this piece of real estate when the only use we are making of it is a week of parking the RV. So much of my daylight hours were spent packing tools and "stuff" in preparation for shipping it to KY and cleaning and doing a few repairs necessary for sale. Listing the property with my pilot/realtor friend Andy, I am hopeful we will have a transaction in our future very soon.
Our time in Spruce Creek is always nice. We had a quiet New Years Eve dinner with several friends, I had daily breakfast with the guys, Mary joined her friends for pickle ball, bridge and other activities and we had dinners practically every night with old friends. We even played tourist and drove on the beach at Daytona, something we had not done in several years and had lunch at the Final Turn, a beachside restaurant down the beach near Ponce Inlet.

Unfortunately the weather wasn't the best. Cooler than average temperatures and a little too much rain. So if we don’t move on soon, we will be making an appointment with a psychiatrist for Mary who is suffering from “cave dwelling syndrome” and I will be ready for a week in an economical weight reduction spa.



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