Well I'm back in England now, staying at my sister's house in Telford awaiting Rees' return from Afghanistan and looking forward to our next trip away!
Before I left Cape Town, I managed to squeeze in everything that I planned. I climbed Table Mountain and abseiled down it. The next day I went on a wine tour, which started at 8.00am so I was drinking wine at 9.00am and had had far too much already by midday, especially in the heat! Then the next day I was up bright and early to go cage diving with great white sharks...
There are two trips out on the boat each day and I was put on the first, which meant leaving Cape Town at 5.10am. After a two hour drive to the location and a three hour boat trip we saw nothing at all and I was gutted. Apparently they see nothing less than one per cent of the time, so we were pretty unlucky. However I insisted that as it was my last day and therefore my last chance to see them, I should go on the afternoon trip too and my the girl I made friends with that day (Laura) should come too. So we went and saw loads of sharks. We got the chance to get into the water (inside a cage) and see them properly. I was amazing and they got so close that you could see every detail on their faces. I don't agree with the way in which they encourage the sharks to come to the boat, but it was a once in a life time opportunity that I couldn't resist taking, and I'm glad that I did as it was amazing to see them.
That night I was knackered, but went out as it was my last one in Cape Town before I was up at 4.00am the next day to get ready to leave and catch my flight home. I had a good night and said goodbye to the friends that I had made that were still there and didn't get to bed long before I had to get up. When I came to finish my packing off in the morning I discovered that my iPod and some cash had been taken from my bag at some point on my last day, so that put a bit of a downer on things.
All in all though I had an amazing time in South Africa and would definitely recommend it as a travel destination. I saw some really beautiful places and animals, and met some amazing people along the way.
For photo hightlights of Cape Town:
Great White Sharks - need I say more?
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Other Entries
1Braving Jo'berg and Kruger
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2Swaziland - beautiful country, beautiful people
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3Whale sharks in Mozambique -life can get no better
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4Hitching to Cape Vidal
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5Zulu learning in Durban
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6Gorge swinging at Oribi
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7Coffee Bay: the best place to relax
Mar 0819 days priorCoffee Bay, South Africaphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 0 -
8J Bay - the ultimate surfer town
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9Who can resist the highest bungy jump?
Mar 1314 days priorStormsriviermond, South Africaphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 0 -
10Oudstshororn - the Ostrich capital of the world
Mar 1611 days priorOudtshoorn, South Africaphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 0 -
11Great White Sharks - need I say more?
Mar 27Cape Town, South Africaphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 0