Day 8 Smooth sailing, 3rd day between continents

Sunday, November 06, 2016
Open sea, International

After falling asleep in rough waves, I awoke to the surface
of the ocean as smooth as ice . It was a calm day as we continued through the
mid-Atlantic over the mountaintops. The sea was calm, but my tummy wasn’t and
it was my own fault. I had nibbled on some ginger for seasickness a day earlier
although the package had smelled fermented. Bad girl and I paid. So it was soup,
crackers, and ginger ale for me today. No Irish coffees with all that whipped

Second, though we had a calm day, the captain said we would
have a rough night ahead, but that the gales would be over by morning when we
got up. But when do we get up, we were setting our watches back an hour for the
fourth night in a row. Everyone was waking hours earlier than normal due to the continuous time changes. .

Finally, our Bermuda stop was in jeopardy. Gales traveling
southeast toward the island had been upgraded to a storm with 40-50 knot (44-55
mph) winds. The harbor closes at 30, so we may be sailing on by without a stop.
Lesson is to never choose a cruise based on one favorite stop because Mother
Nature has the last word in what you will do.
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