Bangkok to Chiang Mai

Friday, September 21, 2012
Chiang Mai, Thailand
Thailand is a wonderful place. The more we see of it, the more we seem to love it. 

We finally arrived yesterday in Chiang Mai around 4:30pm, after riding the overnight train from Bangkok for about 20 hours, due to the fact that there was a 6 hour delay . But none of us really seemed to mind. I mean, when you're flying through the jungle with your head out of the side of the cart, or playing cards with your new best friends, you don't really have too much to complain about! Even if the bathrooms are reeking up the entire train, and you haven't had any real food in quite some time. 

Even though it has only been 3 and a half days since we arrived in Thailand, we all feel like we have already experienced so much.  How can there be anything left?! We've rode in tuk-tuks, water taxis, buses, trains and planes. We've seen temple after temple, and market after market. We've already eaten some pretty wacky food. We have even ran through the pouring rain, drenched to the bone, with BOTH our backpacks on (and most of us wearing flip-flops) to catch the bus while local people were cheering us on. Every day holds so much in store.
Bangkok was quite the experience, and arriving in Chiang Mai, we all can appreciate the calmer, greener atmosphere. And watching the scenery while in the train, there is definitely some excitement about getting to experience our first home stay... along with some fear. There is so much to learn in this part of the world, and it's incredible that we all have this opportunity. We are definitely still in the honeymoon stage!!  



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