Just monkeying around,
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Kathmandu, Nepal
Cohesive ideas translate throughout all places, through people you meet on the street to the group that is randomly assembled for an amazing adventure .
Colorado was a great starting place for the team, for it had the altitude to prepare the team and the peaceful, yet overwhelming mountain terrain.
Through airport movies, airplane peanuts, and the constant glitter of Gucci and Prada in every single port we landed in. Two days of memory foam neck pillows and camping out in any airport we could to play Egyptian Rat Screw.
As we landed in Nepal we couldn't imagine or even comprehend the sights, sounds, and colors, and most importantly smells of Kathmandu.
Smiling faces, laughing children. This is what you find in this bustling city full of wonder and excitement.
Anything you can think of this city has to offer and more, dodging families and motorcycles, smelling the Cumin, hearing the thousands of honking hordes of traffic, guards armed to the teeth in a Buddhist nation.
All these things you must surrender to, for this is why this city and nation holds such a special place in the world and the western eye.
As we count the minutes down to the home stay we will be living in, we cherish all the amenities that we have and have been so graciously given to us.
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Jessica Payne
What a fantastic experience and opportunity!! Look forward to hearing all the stories!