A good hat store name is Hatmandu
Friday, October 03, 2014
Kathmandu, Nepal
These past three weeks in Nepal have been eye-opening and full of new experiences .
This week we stayed in Kathmandu with middle / upper class families. This was a welcome change to the previous week in the village, since we had access to creature comforts like showers, toilets, toilet paper, and intermittent electricity. Wifi was also available every now and then. I just got a mosquito bite.
Life in these home stays was luxurious compared to the village, since we could clean ourselves after long days of hard work. Amenities like wifi, electricity, and varied meals allowed us to relax in relative comfort, and the pervasive smell of wood smoke no longer filled our nostrils.
In Andy and Cooper's home stay, food and drink was given so plentifully that we were never hungry, and were often uncomfortably full. In contrast, in Colin and Aidan's home, food was more sparse, but they were fine and didn't whine at all.
After waking up to a breakfast of toast, eggs, biscuits, tea, coffee, and boiled water, we walked to the school, which was between 2 to 10 minutes away depending on the home .
At the school we worked on various projects, from wall building, wall-patching, laying concrete bricks for a patio, and painting murals on the walls of classrooms.
When taking breaks, we played football (for all you American parents, soccer), Frisbee, and basketball with the kids at the school. The Nepal vs. America football game was very close.
We will be sad to leave Kathmandu, since we have many happy and memorable experiences here.
However we look forward eagerly to arriving in Pokhara, which is known for its beauty, and for the nine day trek in the Himalayan Mountains that looms ahead of us.
We bid thee farewell,
Colin and Andy
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