Arrival in Kathmandu!
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Kathmandu, Nepal
We made it to Kathmandu!!!
After 30 plus hours of travel, the team was exhausted but excited to explore this bustling capital city .
We got off our flight and filed into taxis, which took off into the swarming crowds of people, narrowly dodging dogs and locals in the street. We were dropped off a few blocks from our hostel, and were presented with the challenge of finding our hostel. We tried to ask a few people where "freak street" and "monumental paradise" were, but people generally couldn't understand us. After basically walking in a circle, we turned to Tim and he led us to Monumental Paradise Hotel and we were so grateful to finally put our bags down.
We had a team meeting and discussed our highlights and low lights of the trip so far and learned some survival Nepali language.
We ended the day with a team dinner and we (finally) had some momo (Nepali dumplings). A few people fell asleep at the table as a result of the hours and hours of travel in the days before.
Today, we had the morning free to explore Kathmandu and have a local breakfast . Most team members ate at a little bakery, where they found some amazing slices of cake.
We met with Bishnu, our local Nepalese director, to discuss our home stays, and the trek, and learned a lot about local Nepali every day life.
We left the hostel to find our way to the Monkey Temple. After 40 minutes of walking (and kind of getting lost) we found the temple and began the walk up the 365 steps to the top.
We took some time to explore the temples and stands of prayer flags and Buddhist figures.
We enjoyed some AMAZING views of Kathmandu and walked back to the hostel.
We're so excited for the rest of our time in Nepal!
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