Back to Moshi

Sunday, December 29, 2019
Moshi Urban, Kilimanjaro Region, Tanzania
          Wow – were we really on the top of Kilimanjaro yesterday?  Already seems so long ago!  We had a reprieve from the rain and after packing up, we said our thanks and farewell to the army of porters that made it all possible.  They said goodbye by singing us a traditional song and once again Jerome started the dance party and pulled us in to join.  I said a few words of gratitude on behalf of the group, shook each porter’s hand and we were off once again for a three hour hike to the Mweka Gate.  Hey, they sell Kilimanjaro beer right at the park exit!  We shared a round with our guides and boarded the bus back to Moshi.  Shower, dry out our soggy gear, walk down the street from some souvenirs, back for dinner with Clara and Aylet, then a beer with Chris and Ursula.  Good byes said, hugs and handshakes – time to pack and hit the hay… off to Zanzibar tomorrow from some fun in the sun.  Wow, what an amazing trek! 
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