day (sad sigh). I hit Solitude by
myself. $20 parking – ouch. Cloudy/foggy day so visibility was a bit
poor. Snow was so-so as temps were a tad
above freezing at the bottom. I found
some okay pockets but I had to hunt to for them. Solitude has a strange layout. My favorite run didn’t connect to the lift
that services it – instead requiring a two-lift traverse of the mountain to get
back on top (which took me a while to figure out). A nice, long run though. I did a full day (even though I kept telling
myself I was going to call it early!). Back
to Uinta Brewery again before flying out.
An eleven day trip with nine days of riding at six resorts in four
states. Well over 150,000 vertical feet
and 150 miles of trails. Not a bad trip! Now time to ice the knee.
Solitude Mountain, Utah
Friday, January 24, 2020
Solitude Mountain Resort, Utah, United States
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