It’s very cool again today. I have got my jumper, body warmer, gloves, thick socks and slippers on along with a fleece neck warmer. 14 degrees with no sun is definitely autumnal.
George and Hanny went off to find a shop this morning since we ran out of bread. We set off for Ellesmere today.
About 12 we arrived in a small queue for our first lock, we were number 6 in the queue but there is also a water point. At 1.30 we emerged from our first ever lock. There was lots of help so we learned what to do and hopefully our journey back we can do with more confidence. We motored on through the the fields which seem to be in varying stages of growth. There are lots of sweetcorn fields all untouched whilst the wheat fields seem to be in muck spreading and ploughing stages now. Not a pretty smell!
Apart from the locks the drive wasn’t as interesting today strangely.