06:39 I'm in Thailand! Woo! Hello Thailiand, it's only been a year since your sticky hot weather embraced me. I've ceased to be able to see out the aircraft window because they are all covered in condensation!
08:17 Getting into Bangkok to get my other flight was going to a mission, I had a very long walk, and I wasn't sure if I had to 'enter' Thailand in order to exit, and as the immigration queue was, as you can imagine, huuuge, I asked a immigration officer and she pointed me at a priority pass through where I was able to whizz through, get my bag then walked with some purpose to ind my check in for epic journey part 3.
After walking another 100 miles to the gate I think I was surprised to see a more aging population of westerners all being the folk getting in this flight! Literally 80% of the passengers are over 60 westerners! I half expected a plane load of backpacking youth, it appears that the party islands are much more appealing then.
10:10 We are almost landing in Burma, the land is quite brown looking but with lots of little areas of trees that appear to be little housing settlements, all evenly spaces apart (not in a grid or anything). We have flown over a large river and lots of smaller ones, long straight roads which are straight for miles! This area is very very flat too.
09:56 Arrivals was sweet, you get off the plane, come down some escalators and there's a glass wall with hundreds of people pressed against it looking out for people! Some are having picnics!
10:19 This will be my list of random observations. It's very hot, it's absolutely chaotic, the air con in the taxi clearly doesn't work.
There are no scooters in Yangon- they are not allowed in the city. Rather eccentrically the steering wheels are all on the right, as per England, but they drive in the right when the government decided this would be so!
No one appears to be wearing a seatbelt. Lots of people are carrying umbrellas. The men are mostly wearing sarongs
10:52 There are people selling things in the streets here, walking past the cars, my taxi driver either just bought a porn DVD, or a scantily clad lady karaoke DVD...in any case these ladies were not wearing much!
22:47 This afternoon I showered, slept for about 4 hours and waited for my parents to arrive which didn't happen until about 8pm in the end as they were delayed in Bangkok due to a thunderstorm. We covered ourselves in anti-mosi spray and went out for dinner across the road to the only restaurant we could find! I had a green curry that claimed not to be spicy but it certainly had a bit of a kick! After a late dinner it was back to the hotel to have a shot of sherry and try and get my first proper sleep.
Best thing: seeing my folks!
Worst thing: feeling like I've lost the day by sleeping etc
Most beautiful: the huge pagoda in town which we should see properly tomorrow
Arrival in Myanmar and sleep at last!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Yangon (Rangoon), Myanmar
Other Entries
1The epic 3 flight 24 hours awake journey
Nov 231 day priorYangon (Rangoon), Myanmarphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 0 -
2Arrival in Myanmar and sleep at last!
Nov 24Yangon (Rangoon), Myanmarphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 0 -
3Trains, Buses and the Shwe Dagon Pagoda
Nov 251 day laterYangon (Rangoon), Myanmarphoto_camera50videocam 0comment 3 -
4The Flight/ Boat...Road to Mandalay
Nov 262 days laterMandalay, Myanmarphoto_camera24videocam 0comment 0 -
5Hill Stations and Mad Dashes up Temples
Nov 273 days laterMandalay, Myanmarphoto_camera20videocam 0comment 0 -
6The Slow Boat to Bagan
Nov 284 days laterBagan, Myanmarphoto_camera25videocam 0comment 1 -
7Temples and Pools
Nov 295 days laterBagan, Myanmarphoto_camera17videocam 0comment 0 -
8Bagan to Kalaw...a day on the bus
Nov 306 days laterKalaw, Myanmarphoto_camera14videocam 0comment 0 -
9Kalaw - the smallest dampest village so far
Dec 017 days laterKalaw, Myanmarphoto_camera11videocam 0comment 0 -
10Bumbling along to Inle Lake
Dec 028 days laterInle Lake, Myanmarphoto_camera26videocam 0comment 0 -
11Messing About in Boats on Inle Lake
Dec 039 days laterInle Lake, Myanmarphoto_camera21videocam 0comment 0 -
12More messing about in Boats on Inle
Dec 0410 days laterInle Lake, Myanmarphoto_camera22videocam 0comment 0 -
13Back to Yangon
Dec 0511 days laterYangon (Rangoon), Myanmarphoto_camera7videocam 0comment 0 -
14Leaving Myanmar for Bangkok
Dec 0612 days laterBangkok, Thailandphoto_camera6videocam 0comment 0 -
15More travelling...
Dec 0713 days laterAo Nang, Thailandphoto_camera0videocam 0comment 0 -
16A free upgrade and sunset dinner
Dec 0814 days laterAo Nang, Thailandphoto_camera4videocam 0comment 0 -
17Kayaking Ao Nang
Dec 1016 days laterKo Phi Phi Don, Thailandphoto_camera6videocam 0comment 0 -
18Off to Phi Phi
Dec 1117 days laterKo Phi Phi Don, Thailandphoto_camera1videocam 0comment 0 -
19First time Diving and a sick Han
Dec 1218 days laterKo Phi Phi Don, Thailandphoto_camera17videocam 0comment 0 -
20Wreck Dive and Sharks- full diving day!
Dec 1319 days laterKo Phi Phi Don, Thailandphoto_camera26videocam 0comment 3