Temples and Pools

Thursday, November 29, 2012
Bagan, Myanmar
07:38 Up at 7 today, a veritable lie in. The air is cool outside, must be less than 25 as that's what my air conditioner was set to. It's really quite pleasant. I sent some laundry in and went for breakfast of eggs and toast. The usual rice, noodles as other Asian savouries are on offer but I can't really face eating those in the morning. My stomach seems to be rebelling slightly, not in a "can't leave the hotel" manner, it just hurts and grumbles a bit and feels uncomfortable. I might avoid eating much today and just see if it settles. As we breakfast and wait for our 8am bus, solo member goes cycling past on a bike, so I guess isn't coming with us at all today.
I'm not very sure what is on our plan today as it was meant to be a free day and I quite fancy investigating the pool as this place is really really nice!
08:11 As we set off from our hotel down a dirt track its an astonishing sight as hundreds of red brick stupas stretch from just next to the road right into the distance . Unlike Yangon and Mandalay which are proper cities with lots of concrete buildings, cars, Tarmac roads and tragic lights, all I have seen of Bagan is a single Tarmac track, with dirt tracks branching off occasionally, the odd village, lots of grass stretching out either side from the road with trees and red brick temples and stupas. This is a UNESCO heritage site so perhaps we just haven't been near the city yet.
09:32 First place we saw was called nam pya, number 2, gu byauk gyi
Number 3 ananda
4 su la mooni
13:11 Lunch was spent by the river, a lovely place with a view across the landscape over the river.
16:43 Afternoon was spent by the pool which has an incredible outlook over a handful of nearby stupas, grass and trees. It was nice to relax by the pool and have nowhere to rush off to. I did a bit of swimming and aqua jogging as I have been missing out on my daily swim sessions at work/ evening PT and felt a bit better for it.

A treat for dinner tonight we went to the local Italian/Chinese restaurant called San Carlo, a random mix I know. Everyone was very keen to get stuck into some western food and with this in mind I ordered a pizza, which was actually really really good!

Best: pizza!
Worst: nothing of note...an early start?
Beautiful: being in the swimming pool with incredible views
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