
Monday, July 15, 2013
Florence, Tuscany, Italy
12:13 This morning we decided to climb the duomo dome, all 463 steps up, and then the same down. After walking to the duomo for 10am, we first queued to go into the cathedral area itself thinking this would be as incredibly impressive as the outside of the building. It wasn't really, which was unfortunate, it was quite plain apart from the dome area which was covered in interesting paintings. We did manage to get our tickets in the basement crypt however which was €10 to access the dome, belltower, museum etc.

After our quick twirl round the museum we exited and went to queue for the way up to the dome. It was a fairly long queue in the shade before we finally reached the turnstile. The first set of steps were in a square layout and soon replaced by spiral staircases. Round and round we went, ever higher, taking it at a steady pace and always glad to pass or pause near a window outlet for a bit of breeze and fresh air. It wasn't particularly hot in the staircases which was a total relief.
15:35 Right, time to tackle the 414 steps to the top of the belltower, or campanile. The heat of the day and my already tired legs are making this much more of a challenge. I don't think I've climbed so far and in such heat since climbing a volcano.
16:47 I am so wiped out. After coming down from the tower, which seems almost as hard as going up as it turns your legs to weak jelly, I returned to the flat at an incredibly slow, limpy amble. My legs feel weak and like they might go at any moment. I can't really believe I have climbed so many stairs today and walked around the town, all in blazing and heat. My face is bright pink I'm so hot and tired out. I will certainly have deserved my dinner tonight, as well as an early sleep. I might have to do some stretching as I wonder if I will have very achy legs tomorrow.

I could see that dad was in because the balcony doors were open. Rather than roaring up at balcony in full voice in the middle of the street I waited to see if dad would, as planned, be sitting on the balcony or at least looking out. I waited 15 mins staring up at the balcony, waiting for someone to look out and not a thing. After watching a lady go into the flats and trying to dash across the road to go in with her I couldn't get across the road for traffic and the door closed just as I got across. Frustrated and thwarted I called up and still nothing. With no other option I had to press every single doorbell as I didn't know which one was our flats as there were no numbers and none of the names were correct. Finally dad looked over and I was able to come in and sit my weary legs down!
22:23 A blissful shower to wash off the sweat and grime of the epic day, a round of laundry so I had fresh clothes for the rest of the holiday then finishing the evening with crisps and wine on the balcony followed by dinner at the cinghiale- another pasta and pesto with rocket and Parmesan salad- my new favourite.

We have returned home and I am shattered. I could probably sleep now in fact.

Best: the views from the top of both the duomo and the campanile

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