Why...? ..Why not?!

A reason to go to India? There are many, but the question is asked as if you are prepared with a one-sentence answer. "To find Buddha." "To get involved in charity work." I don't know why the first question is why, and I guess I don't really have a super clear answer yet... Which is, I guess, WHY!! As a little kid who naturally asked lots of "Why?", I got lots of "Why Not?", and I suppose that's my answer now! Why Not? That's why. I'm sure I'll stumble across of lots of other whys and why nots along the way... And I'll hopefully be jotting most of it down here. Yippee! Off to globetrotting, again, my favorite sport! thanks to family and friends and co-workers who have made this possible.. See you on the flip side.
Planned Dates
Nov 21, 2007 to Dec 30, 2007

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