The Days of Limbo
I have been on the move since April, 2010. At that time, my daughter moved back to Texas from Toronto and I started driving around the country with my two cats and living in hotels in various places. This was solely due to the fact that my husband's company had not reassigned him to a new job in April and he continued to do rotational work out of Nigeria. As I did not want to stay in just one place until he got a new assignment, I have been moving around with the cats. Now he has a new assignment, sort of. he has gotten the email that says he has been chosen for a job and it says what the job is but it also says "do not make any financial or permanent plans" until you receive the official paperwork. He had the email the first of Oct. We won't get the official paperwork until the middle of November, we hope. SOOOO, we can't do much. We don't know when or exactly where we will move plus we don't know what we will be able to take with us. So while I could be doing things to get ready, like sorting our possessions, making inventory lists, etc. I can't. I had thought to continue moving around the U.S. but we had also thought we would know much sooner and the move would be this year. The move probably won't be until next year but I stopped moving and made some plans to include my daughter in this area. Basically then, I am hunkered down until we get paperwork and can start making real plans to do something to get onto the next phase of our life. A hurry up and wait. A limbo time when nothing is certain, nothing is sure, nothing is known except that everything will be changing again. While I love the change, I hate the limbo days. I long to get going and get started on the move, the transition, the change, the next phase. This blog will be about all of that.
Planned Dates
Oct 27, 2010 to Aug 31, 2011
Trip Map
Trip Entries
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The Back Story
Friday, October 29, 2010
Chantilly, Virginia, United States -
Moving the family pets
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Chantilly, Virginia, United States -
Fashion Challenged
Monday, November 01, 2010
Chantilly, Virginia, United States -
I live there
Monday, November 01, 2010
Chantilly, Virginia, United States -
I live there - the irony on it all
Tuesday, November 02, 2010
Chantilly, Virginia, United States -
Monday, November 08, 2010
Fredericksburg, Virginia, United States -
My Non-Bucket List
Monday, November 08, 2010
Chantilly, Virginia, United States -
Division of Duties
Monday, November 08, 2010
Chantilly, Virginia, United States -
Still in Limbo
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Houston, Texas, United States