Claire Drinnan's next adventure - Perth Australia

A new adventure awaits. The travel bug has begun!!!! This is the next chapter. I'm going to Perth Australia to spend over 5 weeks on holiday with the Smith's!!!! I pretty much decided after spending some time with my friend Sue in January 2016 on my last adventure that I was going to be going back to see her. I knew at the time when we were travelling around Adelaide together that I had to go back. I loved Australia and I loved being with Sue and her family. When I was saying goodbye at the airport, I knew it wasn't actually goodbye!! Since coming home after my last world adventure Sue and I have been talking constantly and she has been amazing in finding some great things that we are going to be doing. It's so nice that she has an itinerary for us. Every week she is messaging saying she is taking me to all these lovely places, I can't wait. I had to apply for a new passport because mine expired in August. Once I received my new passport the planning began. I applied for another eVisa, I researched flights, transport to London, and a hotel in London. This time everything is more expensive because of Brexit. It also means when I change my money up I am going to losing a lot on the exchange rate. Last time I got $1.97 to £1.00. Now I will be getting $1.65 to £1.00!!! that's a big difference. Is it going to stop me going.... hell no. I have been planning this trip for a year. More importantly it's my 40th Birthday present to myself!! Yes i'm 40!! There is no way I am going to be staying home in grey rainy England for my 40th Birthday, I am going to be sunning it up in Oz!!! My last birthday I spent it in Sydney, this special birthday I am going to be in Perth. How amazing is that?! And so the next adventure and a new blog begins.... I hope you enjoy it as much as the last one x
Planned Dates
Dec 29, 2016 to Feb 05, 2017

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