This will be about my trek to Austrailia (UKtoOZ)

This about my trek to Australia, I will be in a big yellow truck, travelling through a who myriad of countries I think it will be down to the bare necessities, and anything I do take will be in my bergen They do have lockers to safeguard stuff, but not really sure how big they are I have the application for my Indian visa, got my yellow fever injection, got to fill in the forms for the Pakistan leg of the trip The Iranians really want to know a lot about grand parents and what the did for a living, cant have any Israeli stamps in the passport either, have to wear long sleeve tee shirts and the women have to have their heads covered I am trying to keep everything to a minimum, but something's I need, tent, sleeping bag, self inflating mattress, I need my mug (get fed up with little cups/mugs, plastic plate, (saves the food getting cold as on a tin plate) I have a small box of medical stuff, in case (Imodium, compression bandages, plasters, painkillers and bug spray, 100% DEET, hydration powders) Shaving kit, toothbrush, paste, sponge, shower gel, travel towel (I hate these things) This is a list of stuff I'm putting in my bergen 4 pairs of long trousers (2 convert to shorts) belt, raincoat, fleece, 6 tee shirts (2 long sleeve) hat, socks, underwear, (don't know if to take crocks or sandals) boots, day sack, passport, spare photos, copy of passport, iPods, External H/D's, laptop, plugs and adaptors, cables and chargers, camera's, batteries, memory cards, torches, plastic bags (for dirty washing) washing powder (really small bags, but really good) Bag of jerky, survival kit (had this from my Army days) leatherman tool kit, belt knife, water bottle, there will probably be other bits, but that seems about it, but things change, get left out, sometings get added
Planned Dates
Apr 07, 2012 to Nov 14, 2012

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