Sexageneriatric Journey - Nov. 2010 - Kerala

I have chosen tentative title "Sexageneriatric Journey" as I have just celebrated my sixtieth birthday. My interest in India was triggered a few years ago when I read Rudyard Kiplings's "Kim" for the first time. (Actually, I listened to Sam Dastor's superb performance on audio tape.) Since then I have spoken to several friends who have raved about their experiences in India and recently I discovered that it is possible to obtain first-rate dental care at a fraction of the cost here in North America. So the dental work is funding the project and serves as a primary organizing principle. The dental surgeon recommended to me is in Kerala, so I will start and end my journey there. Otherwise, my goals are as follows. To find a few places where I can stay for extended periods and simply absorb the way of life. The activities that interest me are walking, swimming, yoga, meditation, reading, music, dance and conversation. I'd like to learn some Malayalam and Hindi and hear traditional music (particularly singing) both folk and classical. Of course, I am also keen to see the amazing landscapes, flora, fauna and historical architecture. But the thing that I really want to get a sense of is how people live their daily lives.
Planned Dates
Nov 16, 2010 to Apr 15, 2011

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