The Maldives...for the not so Rich and Famous

You've heard of these islands. Most likely in a picturesque magazine, with glossy color photos alluring you to dream about your perfect honeymoon destination. With a over an over the water bungalow on stilts with its glass bottom living room, with the only guests being the hundreds of colorful fish swimming below. Your private hideaway reachable by only boat, but there's no need to leave since your own private butler will be at your beck and call to bring you whatever your heart desires. Or you may have seen these amazing islands in the latest People Magazine, with Jay Z and Beyonce diving into the crystal blue water from their private island all to themselves. No, I am not staying in such a high end place. But I will tell you that such glorious paradise can still be reached, and experienced just as exquisitely on a small budget, if you willing to take the long journey to reach it, and it truly is a long journey. The Maldives are a series of 1200 islands set in the south of the Indian Ocean off the coast of India, and Sir Lanka. About 100 of them are inhabited, most of them taken up by a single resort on each one. Each island is just as beautiful as the other, surrounded by some of the best coral reefs in the world. Water so crystal clear that most marine life can be spotted just by walking into the water, Giant Sea Turtles, Whale sharks ( the largest fish in the world) is prevalent in the Maldives along with Hammerhead sharks. The water is so warm, that even divers don't wear a wetsuit. There are many islands that are completely deserted, and you can have your resort drop you off with a picnic lunch and the island completely to yourself, and they'll come back to pick you up later. Now you see why I want to make such a long journey to experience a paradise that most only dream about. Ive found a way to make this trip without spending a fortune, and make this destination a reality. So, it does help having incredible benefits with my job at the airlines to get my plane tickets for next to nothing. Here's how I'm going to do it... Fly from San Diego to Washington up with my travel partner and friend Christine who will be making this journey with me. We next then head to Dubai, where we have a 12 hour layover and an adventure in a new, modern city. Then its a 3 am flight to the capital on Male, where we land on island that consists only for its main airport. From there its a 30 minute speed boat ride to the South Male Atoll where we will be spending the next 5 days. Total flight time...24 hours...Total journey to get there...42 hours...Yes that is almost 2 days. Worth it? Come along with me on my journey and I will let you know.
Planned Dates
Sep 25, 2013 to Oct 04, 2013

Trip Map