The Hudson trail continues - from South Africa to Kenya

We loved our travels in South Africa in 2015 so much that we have to go back for more! The Hudson trail continues to blaze and over the next three months we will travel through the Eastern Cape from Port Elizabeth to Durban and from there back to Johannesburg via KwazuluNatal and Mpumalanga. From Jo'bug we fly to Nairobi in Kenya where we plan to visit Ainabakoi where my grandparents farmed and Nakuru where I was born. We will spend some time in Nairobi where we hope to find the houses that my uncle and my grandparents built. We will finish our time in Kenya at the coast to remember and re-live the happy times my family holidayed there. We hope you will enjoy our travels and look forward to your comments!
Planned Dates
Jan 05, 2016 to Apr 08, 2016

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