The Southamerican Loop

Zdravim vsechny priznivce jizni ameriky, na nasledujicich strankach Vam prozradim neco malo o zemich, ktere stihnu navstivit. Omlouvam se vsem cechomilum (za ktereho se pocitam i ja), ale vetsina prispevku je v anglictine - to aby se neco dozvedeli i mi pratele z jinych koutu sveta. Hello everybody, I would like to share with you at least a bit of the amazing experience I gain here in South America. Please excuse my English, I know it should be better :( Also the quality of my photos varies. Some of them are bad 'cause of my camera, some of them are bad 'cause they were taken from a bus (either through the windscreen or while going fast or both) and some of them are just bad 'cause of my photografing crafts. Please enjoy...
Planned Dates
Apr 06, 2006 to Aug 11, 2006

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