San Cristobal de Las Casas, Mexico

This year we're doing something different.....a road trip in the US. However, before we leave, we going to meet Jeb and Anjali and Baby Zoraya in San Cristobal de las Casas, a beautiful village in the mountains near the Guatemala border, for 10 days. Anjali has the month of August off and, as they are anxious to get out of the summer heat and humidity of New Orleans, they'll be spending two weeks in San Cristobal, where Anjali will be taking Spanish lessons while Jeb relaxes and I will be playing my new coveted role of Abuelita. After we leave they'll spend two more weeks in Mexico City where Anjali is hoping to work at one of the refugee centers.
Planned Dates
2017-08-10 to 2017-08-21

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