Colorado - Six Years of Travel in my Home State

I first moved to Colorado in 1991 for graduate school in economics at the University of Colorado at Boulder and have pretty much considered the state home since even when I've lived elsewhere (Wyoming, Chicago, New Jersey, Egypt) for jobs or otherwise during that time. In 2008 I returned to the state after about six years mostly away and was eager to explore it all over again. I had traveled extensively around the state between 1991 and 2001 when I left for that extended period, but by 2008 I had gone digital in my photography making it easy to share my experiences. In 2006 and 2007 I also began blogging about my extended trips in Asia and Africa during those years. I continued rather inconsistently with the travel blogging for some time but also left a lot of trips out. In 2014-2016 I find myself back in New Jersey helping to take care of my parents at the end of their lives, a living arrangement that has given me plenty of time to go back and complete the travel blogs I neglected to write over the years. Colorado is such a magnificent place - why not write about my experiences closer to home as well as those at the ends of the earth, right? So I've made a significant effort here to chronicle those places and experiences I had in the state between 2008 and 2014. I decided to make a separate blog on skiing and winter sports, so this blog excludes the winter wonderland aspects of travel in the state.
Planned Dates
Sep 01, 2008 to Oct 11, 2016

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